Denver, CO – Colorado State Representative Jovan Melton (D-Arapahoe) applauded Speaker Nancy Pelosi for ripping the State of the Union Speech in half.
Melton pulled the unprofessional stunt during announcements in the Colorado State House, cackling at his own joke as he walked away. Watch Melton disgrace his office below.
Many of Melton’s colleagues laughed at the highly partisan stunt. This is not the first time the Representative, who was previously charged with violence against a woman, promoted inappropriate behavior on the House floor.
Earlier this year, Melton joined his Democrat colleagues in defending more than 20 arrested protestors.
Melton’s behavior is embarrassing for any state representative. Voters sent Melton to the Colorado State Capitol to work for them, not take partisan cracks at the President of the United States.
Clearly, Representative Melton would rather make jokes than do his job. His behavior is inappropriate, unbecoming of his office, and insulting to many of his constituents.
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That’s exactly what we’re going to do with your ignorant 2nd ammendment laws. And you can just laugh all the way to the unemployment office, after we vote your butt out.
Melton is a a little bitch
I will remember this every time I am tempted to vote for a democrat/progressive.
Just another trash POS democrat in office, albeit however briefly, that apparently believes he’s above the law because his peers(same POS that he is guilty of like domestic abuse) keep electing him. I’m not sure why democrats not only insist on sending messages, but go out of their way to make sure it’s the wrong one.
representative of the NEVER GONNA BE Class Idiot
when / where is the recall petition?