After the tragic news of the death of 7-year-old Caden McWilliams, Democrat, homeschool critic, Rep. Johnathan Singer (Longmont) is taking a break from slinging his pro-heroin agenda to, get this, mandate government inspections into the homes of law-abiding homeschoolers.
The irony is the mom of the 7-year old whose life was tragically stripped away too soon, was a heroin junky.
Maybe Singer should stop focusing on legalizing the use of heroin in our neighborhoods, and leave honest, law-abiding homeschoolers alone.
The child’s addict-mother told the school she was going to homeschool him as an excuse to cover up the murder, so now Johnathan Singer wants to blame homeschoolers for the alleged crime committed by a heroin junky.
So does Singer believe it is just-cause for no-knock raids on homeschool families? If what we are hearing from Singer is accurate, rights are nothing but a word when you can concoct a potential worst-case scenario.
As for us at CCP, we do not believe homeschool families should be held accountable for the evil act of a bad mother who was hooked on drugs. A drug, we repeat, Jonathon Singer wants the government to fund the legalized use of across our state (SB18-040).
Instead of going after homeschool families, maybe Johnathan Singer would like further regulation and possibly random no-knock raids on his house since politicians are often corrupt.
After all, as a public servant, we want to make sure he’s living up to the standards of an excellent statesman and not taking advantage of his power.