Arvada, CO – What prompted us to write this article was a post from the Jefferson County GOP that ended up in our feed. It was a reminder that a year ago today was when State Representative Brianna Titone (D-Arvada) went after a priest during testimony on the bad Sex Ed (HB19-1032) bill from the 2019 session.
The transgender lawmaker asked a Catholic priest whether or not he was abstaining from sex. Titone then proceeded to harass the priest about how he was an expert about sex.
Here’s the post just in case you don’t have Facebook:

We’ve written extensively on the Sex Ed Bill from last year. In a nutshell, the bill forces gay sex education into the curriculum of our schools. If you want more information, here are some links:
- Colorado Dems: Gay sex education is more important than your religious beliefs
- The First Challenge to Colorado’s New Sex-ed Law
- Sexual indoctrination and more in the last week
- More Indoctrination for Our Kids
- Student indoctrination a fitting end to the session
Since we’re talking about Rep. Titone, here is another reminder of how the State Rep. views the military. Titone has an agenda, and it probably doesn’t align with your values. Titone chose to single out her agenda, instead of doing the right thing and honoring the families.
Titone is just the tip of the iceberg of the circus show at the state legislature. What do you think about Titone and the Democrats’ agenda? Please comment below and on social media!
Please share!
Remember to check back with the Colorado Citizen Press. We’re always looking for good stories to write. Please use our “Citizen Tip Line” early and often. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter (@USACitizenPress)!
apparently the majority in that district voted to have this “person” to represent them at the capitol, what does that say about that majority mind set, values? Wondering if some are now having buyers remorse for the choice they made, we will see in the next election cycle, if they change direction, or do the same thing over, it will tell a lot about that district, just my observation of political Kabuki theater at the capital
I wonder if Titone have the same shameless attitude to her voters. What if the priest could answer her questions,like:I would answer your question if first you answer my question to you.
‘Do you have more sex partner than one? Of course these are hypotetical matters.but the same offending questions. Could we be polite to each other or we just want pull down others?.
The “majority” in this district amounted to 439 votes. It might be time to educate the people of this district about their representative.
Wake up voters. Vet the candidates yourself. Don’t let media vet for you. And, then VOTE! These values aren’t Colorado values.
What did the house do when this rudeness was taking place??????? No respect for other views from titone. Need some manners.
HE is bad for every group. A clear example of the real LBGTQ agenda.