As we have previously
And yesterday, Democrats decided to make a spectacle about it by holding a press conference with law enforcement, and brainwashed liberal elites from gun control groups with nothing better to do than preach their sanctimonious opinions and apparent higher-level knowledge of Constitutional Amendments four through six.

This bill would allow an individual to petition a judge for the
Then a judge would hold a hearing WITHOUT the gun owner present, to make a decision about
Then the gun owner would make his/her case on why their gun(s) should be returned to them (see Fifth Amendment).
Take the guns first, due process later.
That’s what these gun grabbers want, and they don’t care how they do it. Even if it means door to door confiscation of firearms, which can lead to dangerous situations as we saw after Maryland’s Red Flag bill passed.
With the attention Democrats and the media gave to this bill, and the ease at which Democrats can pass gun control, don’t be surprised when they open the floodgates for more unconstitutional laws to infringe on the rights of gun owners.
How about let’s start at the root of the problem; MENTAL ILLNESS. Purchasing a firearm now is the honor system with the exception of the criminal background check. This is because of HPPA. The majority of highly publicized shootings where people were aware of a mental health issue with the suspect, the suspect legally purchased the firearms. Because there is no way to check any mental health records. There needs to be a database with that information available with accurate and up to date information available. When you are being treated or have been treated and diagnosed as being suicidal, or an imminent danger to yourself or others, that information needs to be entered into that data base. To prevent those persons from acquiring new firearms.
If you are taken in on a mental illness hold, there should be a sworn affidavit signed or approved by a judge that specializes in mental illness issues. If that party has firearms at that time, they should be placed in safe keeping until there is a hearing with a panel of psychological professionals to determine if there is a continued safety issue. If it is determined that there is not the firearms should be immediately returned.
Then they will simpley exapnd on the definition of what will be considered a mental illness. Like everything else it would be abussed. Why do you think they’re militarizing police…
It’s not about safety. It is about disarming as many people as they can.
The wording is way too vague. It would be easy for someone to take steps to impose this “Red Flag” bill on a person out of spite or some other retaliatory reason. Not a good bill. How do I contact the people in office to express my views on this bill?
That IS what the the red flag bill is inteneded to be used for. They’re not stupid they know exactly what they’re doing.
I can guarantee that this country will go to civil war you don’t take the rights of the American people away because these librals people hunt with guns to survive they have the right to carry arms Americans better wake up you snowflakes
Unconditional if they try to pass this they should be jailed and lose their seat. – List of all Colorado legistators’s phone numbers and email addresses.
ok so with the way the red flag works it goes by te words of the accuser ok fine why dont we all claim that every single congressman and congress woman and any anti bill of rights cop that tey are unstable and are acting supiciously due to them vilatng thier oth to defend and protect and watch and see what happens then sir back and watch]
So what makes “Joe Average,” a judge or an attorney a mental health professional? Why do they get to decide? A mental evaluation, of said individual, should happen (at the state’s OR the accusers expense) to determine if they are competent to own a firearm. Additionally, what is the definition of mentally ill?? Is it schizophrenia or are we taking minor depression?? There is too much room for abuse with this bill and it is FAR too vague. Besides, it’s TOTALLY unconstitutional!
So anyone that has a falling out with another can go in, tell a judge “this person is unstable” and then the burden of proof stands with the accused after they have taken the firearms? This will never be abused right?
Gun control = eugenics.
Hitler as well as other dictators used gun control to enslave/exterminate millions. If you haven’t heard of The New World Order then it’s past time to look it up. Those murals at DIA are not by chance. There’s a new holocaust rising to bring in The New World Order of tyranny. This lady will tell you what is coming.
I voted for Trump just to be clear and he promotes taking guns without due process and he also is in favor of banning all firearms based on his conversation with Pelosi telling her to induce gun banning legislation. They are ALL after ALL the guns not just some of them. You/we been lied to again = Obama’s 3rd term.