Yesterday, news broke of another recall beginning in House District 37. The Representative in question is Tom Sullivan (D-Arapahoe), a gun-control activist turned politician who sponsored this year’s Red Flag law.
Rocky Mountain Gun Owners appears set to play a major role in this recall effort, much like the recalls back in 2013.
But gun confiscation was not Sullivan’s only blunder, he supported the socialist train-wreck that barreled through the state legislature this year from beginning to end.

The recall was initiated by Kristi Burton Brown and is endorsed by other grassroots activists. Brown is a Christian lawyer, writer, newly elected Vice-Chair of the Colorado GOP, and a constituent of Sullivan’s. Brown was instrumental in carrying the torch this legislative session against overreaching legislation undermining families, schools, and parental rights. She is a true fighter, and it seems fitting she should lead this recall.
Signature gatherers must collect 10,035 valid signatures before July 12, 2019, if the recall effort is to be successful.
According to House Minority Leader Patrick Neville, the House Majority fund (Values First Colorado) is helping to fundraise and provide support for grassroots activists who wish to recall their Representatives. Rep. Sullivan is not yet listed on the Recall Colorado website funded by Values First Colorado. Despite this, it is likely the group will get involved with the newest recall just as they did with the effort to recall former Rep. Rochelle Galindo.
Keep checking in with us for more news regarding Sullivan and the recall effort. Just like the recall of former Rep. Galindo, we will cover it until the bitter end.
If you do get involved, please consider snapping some photos or shooting a short video and sharing it with us through our Citizen Tip Line. We would love to report on the volunteers working to take back Colorado.
With you, Go Colorado
Get all “Red Flaggers” out of there!
Recall Polis !!!!!!