Denver, CO – According to an article from The Colorado Sun, Proposition CC tax hike proponents may be lying to your face about the value of your tax refund. Today is Halloween, and this is a scary thought.
Less than one week remains in the 2019 election here in Colorado. As such, both proponents and opponents of the statewide tax increase are knocking on doors to turn out voters.
One of the paid proponents was recently quoted claiming voters will only receive a $20 refund. Actual estimates are as much as 12 times that number.
When the door opens, Randolph, a paid canvasser for the pro-CC campaign, introduces himself and makes his case. “So pretty much what it is is taxes that you’ve already paid — that instead of coming back to you in 2021 as a $20 refund, it will go back into an allocated fund for fixing the roads and our education system,” he says.
From: Proposition CC campaign is door-to-door combat as both sides turnout supporters ahead of 2019 election, by John Frank
According to estimates for the next three years, individual voters may receive as much as $248 back, while joint filers may get $638. Low-end estimates put the numbers between $60 and $186.
At best, the pro-CC voter contact script is misleading. More accurately, it is an outright lie.
Refunds are projected to increase year to year, making the $20 claim a major lowball. What’s more, there is no guarantee the legislature will use this tax increase to fund roads and education.
Currently, it is earmarked (in thirds) for transportation, higher education, and K-12 education. Because of the way the legislature wrote the law, legislators can change the funding destinations without voter approval in future years. After the 2020 legislative session, 100 percent of this tax increase could be spent on anything else in the budget.
What really makes this an outright lie is there is no guarantee that transportation solely includes Colorado’s crumbling roads and bridges. Transportation also includes rail lines and bike lanes. As we recently discussed, more and more of our roads are being replaced with bike lanes, causing major gridlock in and around Denver. On top of that, Denver’s transportation programs are mismanaged and underwater.
The truth of the matter is, in just one year, Democrats in control of Colorado’s government overspent, and desperately “need” more money.
Apparently, they are willing to lie to take your money.
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What would think a politician would lie. To be a good politician, you have to be able to lie with a straight face, therefore, you must be lawyer.
I love that extra tax refund every year! Starve the government!
Do you have any data supporting the “bikes cause gridlock” statement? In Fort Collins they keep adding bike lanes and I need some cold hard data to show that bike lanes are harmful to communities! All the data I keep finding by researchers says that bike lanes improve quality of life, reduce pollution, and increase business revenue. Help!