Denver, CO – Will you comply with a statewide order requiring you to wear a mask?
Counties across Colorado are ordering citizens to wear a mask, and the state may soon follow suit.
Update: Governor Jared Polis issued a statewide mask order that takes effect at midnight on July 17, 2020.
Take our one-question poll below to let us know where you stand on mask mandates.
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Put up, or shut up.
The GOP is completely losing control and support. Stop the kowtow, stop the cowardice.
Get your a** in this game, or watch your “grassroots” go full vigilante – and likely loose.
Reading and comprehension are not, apparently, your strong suits. That’s assuming, of course, you have any strong suits.
I will NEVER wear a mask like a DAMN silenced sheep….. FU Pole licker
I’m getting ready to leave this Communist police state. This is a violation of our civil liberties and freedoms. And beside, the masks are useless as far as keeping people from catching the ‘virus’, This is all politics. There is an agenda behind all this to keep people in lFEAR that there is this deadly virus out there killing minions of people. (which is a LIE) This is all a sham. This is a set-up for the mandated vaccines that will be coming down the line.
There is no pandemic exception to the Bill of Rights.
I have , as yet, not found any concrete, scientific evidence that supports the notion that wearing a mask will prevent COVID-19 from spreading. For every five so-called “experts” that claim it will, I can show you five more that say masks have no effect on preventing the spread of the virus. However, being the cautious person that I am (and over 71 years old), I have, thus far, always worn a mask in public when indoors. (I do not wear one when I am doing my daily outdoor, aerobic exercise, as I would probably not be able to get enough oxygen, if I wore a mask.) Therefore, because of my age, but more as a courtesy to others, I will continue to wear a mask in public — but not because of “Adolph” Polis’ mandate. In fact, I believe (and hope) that the courts will rule, as in nearly every other state, so far, that his mandate is unconstitutional. But, then again, Colorado’s Supreme Court is one of the worst in the country.