Denver, CO – Should students return to in-person classes?
Like the rest of the COVID-19 crisis, students returning to schools is a highly politicized talking point.
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If you’re awake, you’ll note that there are only very occasional stories of children with APPARENT coronavirus. I personally wonder about what it actually is. Anyway, in multiple studies it’s been proven that they don’t get this easily – and usually so mildly that it’s almost not detectable – and that they ARE NOT carriers of this thing. Hybrids for older students might – repeat MIGHT – be acceptable, but the younger ones, especially K-4 or 5 NEED face-to-face with teachers in a classroom.
Of course, it’s a double-edge sword with teachers actually being indoctrinators to the “hate your country and hate yourself (if you’re white) propaganda…..
I do not want kids to return to school under the current restrictions. If they have to wear a mask all day, eat lunch by themselves at their desk, no sports, choir, band, or drama, no playground hangouts or working together on projects, then what is the point? If they can return to school as normal before COVID 19, then yes, definitely!
Ask the question how many children have died from coronavirus? Not many. I think it’s too much fear from the T.V to keep people in fear so they can try to force people to get there vaccines.. from there man made Covid19 from the Wuhan Lab…..they have to keep the hype up to make there planned billions.!!!!