POLL: Should Republicans compromise on gun rights afforded by the 2nd Amendment?

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Recently, some Republicans have been vocal in stating that Republicans need to weaken or abandon their position on the Second Amendment. Tell us what you believe.

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Should Republicans compromise on gun rights afforded by the 2nd Amendment?

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16 thoughts on “POLL: Should Republicans compromise on gun rights afforded by the 2nd Amendment?

    1. We should never give up any of our 2nd Amendment rights EVER!!! We need to protect our 2nd Amendment along with the rest of our United States Constitution. Our Freedoms depend on this!!

  1. Never should step outside their party and want us to give up our rights to bear arms!!! Never thought I would every see this day 😑😑😑

  2. Yeah, give up our rights…like other countries have…and watch the Communists take over without a whimper. NO freaking thanks.

  3. The 2nd Amendment SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!!!!!!!!!! The 2nd Amendment was written to protect American Citizens from a Tyrannical Government. Hitler took the guns away from all the Citizens of Germany and, he killed millions of people there. We don’t want that for The United States of America. We want our FREEDOMS!!!!!!!!!
    Leave our guns alone!!!!!!!

  4. SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. Anybody want to know who’s behind ALL attempts to destroy our rights? Look at what Ted Nugent said about it, then ask yourself who runs the 5 corporations that control 95 percent of what Americans read, hear or see, who runs all the criminal TBTF banks that have wrecked the USD, and who runs the District of Corruption by way of AIPAC, the ADL and the SPLC. Our enemies aren’t dark skinned men or women in some foreign land who may or may not have frikin’ running water. They’re right here in our midst trying to pass laws protecting and promoting homosexuality and this transgender madness at the expense of our rights in OUR country. Time to recognize and realize who our true enemy is America. Time is running short!

  5. History has endless examples of tyranny beginning with disarming its citizenry. The 2nd Amendment was an acknowledgement of that fact even then. And today places like the former Soviet Union, Hitler, China, Cuba, and now Venezuela show that the principle still applies.

  6. I think every politician, bureaucrat of ‘judge’ that works towards, votes in favor of, or rules DENIAL of ANY of the Listed, and UNLISTED INALIENABLE RIGHTS should be tried for TREASON, and HUNG by a MILITARY TRIBUNAL because ‘ US courts are for Legislated Laws.


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