Longmont, Colo – Longmont City Councilman Tim Waters is pushing a resolution to support “common-sense” gun safety legislation.
The resolution will be heard Tuesday, September 3rd, and the following week on Tuesday, September 10th.
Resolutions such as this do not change any laws and rarely amount to anything more than political stunts and posturing. They are a waste of time and public resources that force votes on opinions written on pieces of paper with no teeth.
This particular resolution, drafted by Waters, calls on the state legislature and Congress to pass further gun control laws.
The resolution suggests these actions (some of which are already in place in Colorado):
- Required state issued permits for gun ownership.
- Universal background checks on all sales, including the private sale of firearms*.
- State issued permits for concealed carry*.
- State issued permits for concealed carry within a vehicle*.
- Banning the personal sale or purchase of military grade weapons by non-military personnel.
- Limits on magazine capacity*.
- Required gun locks that enable only permitted gun owners to fire a weapon.
- Prohibitions of gun ownership by convicted felons and individuals convicted of domestic abuse.
- Red flagging individuals who have given family members and/or law enforcement reasons for concern about their mental and emotional stability*.
The actions Waters is calling for in his resolution blatantly infringe on the Second Amendment and criminalize gun owners. Not only that, but it shows Water’s lack of comprehension for the nature of firearms.
This myth that civilians own military-grade weapons is absolutely ridiculous. Citizens do not have access to those types of firearms. It’s merely a feel-good rallying cry (lie) from the gun control crowd.
The folks at Rally For Our Rights are organizing to attend both hearings on the resolution. You can find more information and contact them through their Facebook page linked above.
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Knee jerk reaction, to real problems. Unecptible just trying to score political points. JERK!