Denver, CO – Governor Jared Polis wants you to snitch on businesses “disobeying the public health order and violating the laws of the state of Colorado.”
Businesses found to violate Polis’ latest order will receive a cease and desist letter and may lose their license to operate.
Anybody planning to snitch should contact their local health agencies and the Attorney General’s office.
Apparently, Polis never heard the proverbial phrase “snitches get stitches.”
This is not a joke.
Nearly 1,000 people who reported businesses for violating the “Stay at Home” order in St. Louis had their information released to the public through public records requests.
The Colorado Open Records Act (CORA) also allows people to make requests for public information in Colorado.
Risks to potential snitches aside, Polis is operating a police state in Colorado.
If you do not comply with his orders, you risk fines and jail time. Businesses who do not comply risk losing their licenses.
On top of that, Polis is threatening to take away emergency grants from any county that defies him.
We are fairly certain the vast majority of businesses with Polis’ blessing to stay open are doing everything they can to comply with orders. However, we doubt that will stop certain nosey people from reporting businesses.
So, the next time an employee forgets to put their mask back on that they have been touching and adjusting all day between their necessary transactions with people, their employer could lose their license to operate.
But it is for the greater good, right?
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Mayor DeCommio in NYC introduced his hotline for snitches to report on others. Once thousands of pictures of naked genitals started coming in over the hotline it was quickly shut down.
Great comeback!
Once again, “Pants-On-Fire” Polis’ draws on another move from the Nazi playbook: Jews rewarded for snitching on fellow Jews. Being Jewish, himself, one would think Polis would be aware that this action makes him look like a modern day Hitler, and one of the world’s biggest hypocrites ever. I hope his “snitch” line doesn’t get a single snitch but, instead, gets flooded with thousands of pictures of male genitalia. Could there be a more appropriate way to show Polis what a prick he truly is?
Heil Polis!
I have just one question: Is there any hope, or viability down the road for a possible class action lawsuit?
Unfortunately, I don’t believe there’s a law against being an ignorant, lying, jerk.