Denver, CO – Governor Jared Polis spent $1.6 billion of federal coronavirus aid by executive order instead of allowing the Colorado State Legislature to allocate the funds.
Traditionally, the Joint Budget Committee (JBC) made up of Senators and Representatives is responsible for the budget. The governor submits a proposal for the budget, but ultimately, it is up to the JBC.
Polis threw that precedent out the window.
Polis is drunk with power, and Democrat lawmakers are content to let him rule over Colorado with no checks or balances.
In fact, Polis already issued 70 executive orders. Spending $1.6 billion dollars with order 70 should be the last straw, even for Democrats.
Well, the last straw should have been Polis openly destroying the economy, but we digress.
Polis is doing this without consulting Republicans in the legislature, though he is reportedly in cahoots with Democrats.
Republican lawmakers are rightfully furious. More importantly, we doubt taxpayers are happy a single official has control over billions of dollars.
Is it time for Colorado State Legislators to take control back from Polis?
Please share!
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Governor Polis;
1. STOP going around the Legislature with your darn executive orders.
2. Grand County has had very few cases of corona-virus. We need our stores and restaurants OPEN!!!!
Then open them. And take off the bandito mask.
If you’re going under, you’re going under. At least go out with a fight. Open the doors. There are not enough police in the state to stop an entire county from opening at once, if they wanted to.
Requesting a dental and doctors office in Colorado whom are not requiring customers wear masks. We will pay cash.
The more we hear about Polis the less we like him. He just seems to think that he is King of Colorado. There is no King there is someone who should be asked to resign and since he refuses to leave Office then he must be forced out of Office. The Republicans and Patriots need to combine their abilities and lead this State out of his Control. He has no right to do this. He should be called on the carpet and the sooner the better. No matter what Party he represents he should be subjected to following the Rules of the State. He just can’t seem to understand that his Iron fist is about to be shoved up his nose. I saw something today that really got my goat. I think he wrote this piece on Facebook. Someone was asking us if we thought that Colorado was opening up or could open up a little faster and the more I read it the more I know he had someone write this comment. This article went on to Praise him for doing such a good job during the Virus and it was so one sided. I am sure he had something to do with it. As it just praised himself to no end to what he has done for Colorado. I am fully convinced that he either wrote it, or he had it written for him as it continued to Praise Polis unending. I just cancelled what it said and moved on. It was a pre-written piece that is telling about how Polis was unending in his quest to open the State and he highly praised for his allowing some of the things to open up. Pretty fishy piece.
And the ‘responses’?
Let’s start a petition and ask him to stop doing mean things.
EVERY COUNTY should have actions against him!
And yet… “oh dearie me, who will save us?”
In 1776 it was THE PEOPLE THAT STOOD AGAINST POWER such as polis is using.
Waiting for somebody else HAS NEVER WORKED.
Well spoken, Patriot!
Well,if democrats support this behavior than they should also support Trump to take over finance out of hank of congress.
Polis is an accomplished deceiver and manipulator. He has some people actually believing he is a “reasonable, moderate” Democrat. There is no such thing as the party of JFK left the building decades ago. They are ALL liars and frauds, every one of them in elected office anyway.
nero does not care, never cared about the real tax payers, the real people of Colorado, who are in the minority. For him it is about control, more control, he/it , and his aberrations have the people where he wants them, giving up more of our Constitutional rights, creating an atmosphere where people just let him and his stooges do what ever they want, the new norm is capitulation, acquiescing to nero’s whims. For him the public is tying their shoes, head in the sand, get the picture. What will the people do, are they too conditioned to the new norm, and allow it to continue? Nero still has 2 more years to complete the change, I hope people remember who else advocated the change. Will people push back, are there some out there with the back bone, think about this in the up coming primaries, Nov. elections
What was the $1.6 billion spent on? Did a penny of it go outside of Denver or Boulder? I doubt it!
I, too, am interested on how the money was spent. More information on this should be reported by CO Citizens Press or they are as bad as CNN or MSNBC….we need all the facts to make our own opinions!
Polis showed up in politics many years ago. From the very start everything he did was terrible. Never dreamed the Colorado voters would go so far to the left.
Lets have President Trump take over congress’ power to spend money. For sure he would spend wisely ,like building the boarder wall.
Take control of Polis?! Polis NEEDS to be gone!
Colorado’s democrat representatives are as culpable as Polis in this spending spree dictated by Polis. They are hand-in-hand happy that their ‘lil dictator is doing his own bidding with directing the spending alone. If any one of them had an inkling of a spine they would speak up – stand up and call him out. But no, that pack mentality of the leftist is just that, pack mentality. They can’t conjure up an independent free thought thought if their life depended on it. Their day is coming…………….
Today is may 28. 2020
It has been 9 days since this was written. So it is time fir each of us to write email or call our representatives both locally and federally to Govenor Polis and to be accountable for that 1.6 Billion dollars.
Do it today..Thank you!