Denver, CO – Governor Jared Polis says we must go back to living in fear – issues a mask mandate effective at midnight, July 17, 2020.
Polis was joined by Mayor Michael Hancock of Denver and Mayor Mike Coffman of Aurora.
Polis claims a mask mandate is not a political decision. The fact that Polis sees the necessity to issue an executive order rather than present Coloradans with the data and let them make a decision makes this a political issue.
Colorado is not a free state where you and your neighbors can make personal decisions anymore.
Keeping to those authoritarian ideals, Hancock said Denver will follow-up on all complaints and issue citations to those not in compliance.
What we find most ironic about this whole charade is how Hancock took the time to say he is wearing a mask to protect others. He then insinuated that those who do not wear a mask must not care about others.
However, just a few weeks ago, Hancock was not wearing a mask or observing social distancing while marching with Black Lives Matter. How can Hancock laud his compassion for others, while condemning those who are not wearing a mask, when he did not wear a mask himself?
Hancock’s hypocrisy is just another blatant example of how Democrats are politicizing the COVID-19 crisis to score cheap political points.
Republican Mayor of Aurora, Mike Coffman, was also at the press conference offering his full support to Polis. He claims a statewide, authoritarian mask mandate with no opt-out is the only solution.
Folks, this is the same so-called Republican who wanted to pass a national “Red Flag” law before voters removed him from office. Now that he is Mayor of Aurora, he is continuing his authoritarian, nanny-state ways.
You are not capable of making decisions for yourself in the eyes of Polis, Hancock, or Coffman.
This is order is about forcing Polis’ will on Coloradans.
What is more, we believe it is one more step towards a second economic shutdown. We think Polis will eventually announce that Coloradans did not do enough to stop the second wave of COVID-19.
This second shutdown will once again eliminate jobs and wreck the economy.
We will release more details on the executive order when we see the official text, which is not yet available.
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I’ve posted these sentiments on Co Citizen’s Press on other articles but I believe it cannot be said enough:
Yes, I realize that we, the citizens, have elected idiots into office that have granted extreme powers, emergency powers to the executive branch of this state as have many other states. This needs to be reigned in ASAP. Any “emergency” powers legislated to the executive must be, must be limited to 30 days maximum. Then if its necessary to have a longer time frame for those emergency powers i.e. lock-downs for example, then the governor needs to have his plans approved by the legislature. I don’t care if the legislature is out of session, it’s an emergency. Call an emergency session and get the representatives on record. Then and only then upon legislative approval could those emergency powers be extended for an additional maximum of 30 days. Any emergency situation extending beyond perhaps 180 days would need voter approval through and emergency special election.
Even you of the “left” should be on board with this if you think through it critically, though I realize critical thinking is tough for you, just realize this, some day sooner or later this political pendulum will swing and there will be a conservative sector managing all three branches of this state’s government. It will be as such. Do you want a right leaning government in charge of mandating emergency edicts? Let your mind run free……..you would be/will be screaming at the moon. What if per se, oh I dunno, a lice infestation was to occur. These are dangerous lice, horrible man-killing lice. So, even though there’s no science to actually prove shaving ones head improves your survive-ability chances, a mandatory head shaving edict came down. What if it was also determined that everyone MUST attend a church, must pray at the church because the view of those in power, that is a “faithful” step that must happen. You, well you are a secular person and feel that religious edict such as that is unlawful and unconstitutional. Too bad, you must attend and show proof that you did.
Very silly stuff is it not? Well, there’s no science that these masks work to prevent what is their stated purpose. Too bad, we must wear them. Today, churches are out-lawed to degrees more than other groups from attending their own services. Well, just as you would find being mandated too attend church is unlawful, so to these church members feel that they are being denied their constitutional rights to attend church. Re-read the 1st Amendment in its entirety for a refresher.
Get on board either side, get on board and get these unlimited emergency powers revoked for the good of everyone!
There IS a 30-day expiration on emergency “orders.” But the legislature and the AG are progressives so they will not stop him. He is not a doctor and cannot order people to use a medical device. He is breaking the law but will not be prosecuted. Hopefully Neville’s suit will prevail.
Make sure to read Polis’ list of exemptions to the face diaper, the actual words listed in his EO for clarification. One of them is “Individuals Who Cannot Medically Tolerate A Face Covering.” Print off a copy of the order to have with you as you shop mask free. They may not ask your medical condition nor do you have to provide it. As a side note, I heard Sam’s Club and Walmart have told employees they cannot legally restrain or interfere with a customer who chooses not to wear a face mask.
I did not previously see your post. Thanks!
I know they currently have a 30 day limitation. However, the Gov can renew the orders to his dark hearts content without any other oversight. This. Has. To. Stop. Regardless of party affiliation. At this rate we, in some states can be put under constant “emergency lockdowns” or just what the hell ever any one individual decides. This my friend is exactly how revolutions begin……and do not think it can’t happen here.
So Polis is forcing his will on Americans to wear masks,And he has one worthless RINO who “has his back”…
Polis also believes getting penetrated in his an us and kicking his boy toy clean is healthy and normal. So he feels qualified to make Colorado Citizens bend over?
Not a political decision? Hahaha, the mask mandate has nothing to do with the virus. It is about the election on November 3rd. Coloradans are not buying into King Polis any more, they know exactly what he is doing and why. As for Aurora Mayor Coffman? Despite claiming to be a Republican the man has always been a closet Democrat. So not surprise he aligned with Democrat Polis.
To my knowledge, No one (certainly not the idiot Gov. Polis) has addressed the fact that those of us who have lung illnesses that require us to use oxygen 24/7, cannot wear a face mask because it makes our breathing even worse!!! I will not compromise my health for the liberals of this country and say to them – go ahead and fine me or put me in jail. You’ll have a hell of a lawsuit on your hands!!