Polis’ “Reopening” Restrictions Will Cause Restaurants to Close Permanently

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Denver, CO – Governor Jared Polis’ reopening restrictions will cause restaurants to close permanently, according to Colorado Restaurant Association surveys.

A recent CPR article examining the surveys said nine percent of restaurants would be forced to close permanently if they are only allowed to open at 50 percent capacity.

On Monday, Polis announced restaurants would only be allowed to “open” at 50 percent capacity. Bars remain closed, and opening businesses such as breweries will be evaluated in June.

“A restaurateur doesn’t open putting a business model together on a 25% or 50% capacity,” said Sonia Riggs, who leads the Restaurant Association. “They do it based on 100% capacity. So any limits on bringing people back are going to be really financially challenging. And the longer those limits on capacity go on, it’s going to make it even more challenging.”  

From The Colorado Sun

Polis and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) are putting the final nail in the coffin for many of these businesses.

Polis and the CDPHE are not opening restaurants. They are mandating how restaurants can operate.

When did business owners lose their freedom to choose how to serve their customers best? When did people lose their freedom to make decisions for themselves?

The answer is when Polis assumed total power over Coloradans.

So far, Polis refuses to give up that power. He spent $1.6 billion in coronavirus aid by executive order. He single-handedly put hundreds of thousands of Coloradans out of work.

Now, Polis is dictating an order that ensures restaurants that are on the verge of closing permanently will go out of business.

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10 thoughts on “Polis’ “Reopening” Restrictions Will Cause Restaurants to Close Permanently

  1. After this man lied to the president on national TV he comes out and says things like this I can’t believe that people like him were elected by any real American.
    These control freaks like ham the Democrat party are destroying our country within.

  2. King Polis is going to end up doing the opposite of what he is trying to do. Instead of defeating Trump he is going to make sure Colorado is red for Trump come November 2020. And God willing registered Democrats and restaurant owners who are teetering on the edge, closed, or bankrupted realize that Polis and the Democrat Party are the reason for it.

    1. We’re not even voting Trump again though. He let this happen. Don’t be too confident. When you lose liberty and rights, the problem is no longer as simple as red vs blue.

      With liberty eroding swiftly, runaway governors and other bodies left unchecked, and nobody except the good guys went to jail in the past 4 years, hope in this administration may be misplaced. The CDC is a racket, just ask RFK Jr with Childrens Health Defense group. These current governmental administrations stand behind the health departments, fully supportive of their actions.

      We’re writing in Thomas Massie as a vote of objection. We will not vote for unrestricted tyranny, business shut downs, medical malpractice, and lack of justice enforcement. It’s here regardless of who you may soon vote for so ponder that.

      1. Please explain how Trump let this happen. He closed the borders before they even named the virus. When less than a dozen people had died in Washington state. Or is it because Polis is holding us hostage? The president does not have “King” control. We are a republic of states and as such, states have their own governing authority.

  3. Why does he have the power to do this? It is ridiculous! Something is terribly wrong when one man can have this much power against the people. This will only add to the budget short fall. Then he will want to increase taxes and steal more of the citizens funds. Colorado has gone nuts! Time to move to a more citizen friendly state?

  4. Due to these imposed restrictions, hospitals, dentists, other health care providers, and a wide range of businesses, including schools, are forced to discriminate against persons whom do not use masks.

    Although we are supposed to have 100% covered medical under my wifes Kaiser Permanente employment position, we have effectively been denied every possible medical service for not wearing masks. Turned away at the door, denied physical therapy and surgery, denied optometrist, denied chiropractic, denied everything, denied the dentist. Because I refused to wear a mask. The SEIU union is unresponsive to our complaints, so is KP management.

    It looks like we’ll lose 2nd and 4th grade elementary for our children next year too. I will no longer be able to work much as I’ll be both disabled, denied care, and forced to home school.

    All because we refused to live in fear and wear masks.

    The businesses whom refused to stand up, open their doors, and force the governments hand are as much to blame as the government. Don’t be surprised that when you submit to tyranny, tyranny will come knocking. I have no sympathy for persons whom refuse to stand up against a tyrannical government. They could not arrest all those owners at once, so one presumes they do prioritize submission to independence.

    All of you refused to stand up for parents whom did not vaccinate. Nobody is standing up for me right now even though I’m in extreme need for care. Now it’s your turn to believe in the discrimination so adamantly supported, and so minimally resisted.

    Go line up to dawn your hypochondria mask and get your shots. All the small business owners will have new jobs as agents of the state as contact tracers once they’re finally put under. If you don’t see this coming a mile down the tracks you’re absolutely blind.

      1. If the line is not here, where then? In case you don’t recognize the ‘new normal’ climate, it’s remarkably similar to a prison environment. I’m looking at somehow porting insurance to get care in another state. I will not be subjected to humiliation and will certainly not subject my children to that either. Here, a nearly identical approach is happening right here in Colorado, article link. It’s sanctioned abuse, but masks, no big deal right? I did nothing wrong, I’m not sick, but it is I whom deserve to lose my rights and can no longer be trusted to make independent medical decisions? Save your tripe for the twitter peanut gallery. Adults are talking about real world issues, constitutional rights, and a runaway government. You are being an advocate for discrimination. Be careful what you wish for. What’s your next concession going to be?


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