Boulder, CO – Back in August, we wrote about something that flew under the “Main Stream Media” radar. Boulder liberal Governor, Jared Polis, was making a change in policy that was going to have far-reaching ramifications. Polis broke with the practice of the two Democrat governors before him of seeking a waiver from the feds on air quality standards.
Why was this important? It could affect federal funding for things like roads. Instead, more of Colorado’s money may go to other states (like California) when Colorado should be getting it back. Now, the EPA has declared the front range to be in “serious” condition instead of the standard “moderate” condition. Thanks to Jared Polis, Colorado is now in a bind. We will see what the ramifications will be in the near future. They will probably be bad if President Trump loses in 2020.
Now, although we may have been wearing our tin-foil hats while writing the article in August, we decided NOT to pontificate on the reasoning behind the change in policy. Now, we will.
So here’s a long quote from the most recent Colorado Politics article:
The executive director of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Jill Hunsaker Ryan, said that the department is “on it.”…“We already adopted a zero-emission vehicle rule this year,” she said. “We are pursuing additional resources that will allow us to nearly double our capacity to inspect oil and gas production facilities.”…Ryan added that starting today, the Colorado Air Quality Control Commission will begin its hearing on proposed rules under Senate Bill 181 that will reduce pollution and unnecessary leaks at oil and gas operations…Rep. Chris Hansen, D-Denver, a former energy consultant, anticipates that broader measures to tackle climate change will also improve the region’s air quality….“One of the factors that exacerbates ozone pollution is hotter summer weather, which has increased in Colorado due to carbon pollution and climate change,” he said. “The legislature will bring forward a number of measures this session to further reduce carbon emissions and show leadership in the face of regressive climate policies from the White House.”…The ozone non-attainment area covers Denver, Boulder, Jefferson, Adams, Arapahoe and Douglas counties, and portions of Weld and Larimer counties. In August, the EPA issued notice of its intent, setting Aug. 3, 2020, as the deadline for Colorado to revise its improvement plan.
Michael Karlik, Colorado Politics Dec 17, 2019
If you read the long quote and didn’t get the gist, here it is – the Democrats’ ploy via Polis was to get Colorado downgraded so they could use it as justification to push their enviro-wacko agenda. No tin-foil hats are necessary to see their plan now.
Expect a greater crackdown on oil and gas in Colorado, and expect them to go after President Trump (even though it’s Trump’s EPA that downgraded Colorado). Expect the worst, and hope for the best in the November 2020 elections.
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Zero emission vehicle is another green lie! How many natural resources went into making these??