Brighton, CO – A man was handcuffed in front of his 6-year-old daughter for allegedly violating social distancing at Donelson Park.
This is according to FOX31.
Matt Mooney, his wife, and their 6-year-old daughter were playing tee-ball in an empty field in Donelson Park when police reportedly told him they were violating social distancing guidelines.
Thankfully, former Brighton City Councilman Kirby Wallin recorded the violation of Mooney’s rights.
The sign at Donelson Park said “Closed” but in smaller print reads, “in groups of no more than 4 persons, parks remain open for walking, hiking, biking, running and similar activities.”
From: FOX31
Tee-ball seems like a very valid reason for a family of three to be in an empty park. It also appears to fall under the park’s social distancing guidelines.
In fact, people are being encouraged to go out and get exercise!
Mooney said he was released after spending about 10 minutes in the back of a patrol car but said he still deserved an apology.
From: FOX31
“If we’re going to go ahead and start arresting people for no reason in front of their 6-year-old daughter, you’re just going to cause more problems later on,” he said.
This type of authoritarian, tyrannical behavior, is asking for trouble from citizens. People are mad enough; they are confined to their homes. If the police start arresting them for getting exercise, the public reaction might be much more dangerous than a family playing tee-ball.
Here is a statement posted to the Brighton Police Department Facebook page:
People in the comments are not happy about the incident. We are also not sure what there is to investigate. The police overstepped their authority.
Polis created the enforcement problem
Governor Jared Polis created the enforcement problem.
Polis provided little detail on how his “Stay at Home” order and social distancing guidelines were to be enforced. Worse still, Polis reportedly did not consult ANY local law enforcement agencies before proclaiming his “Stay at Home” order.
Police departments across the state had to scramble to figure out how to enforce an arguably unenforceable and unconstitutional mandate!
Hopefully, this is a stark reminder for the police to use better discretion when enforcing Polis’ orders.
Perhaps more importantly, this should be a wakeup call for Polis. He created a police state by assuming executive power over the people of Colorado and mandating how they are allowed to live their lives.
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These men should all be fired immediately. People capable of such mindlessly bad judgement have no business running amok in public with guns and police enforcement powers.
You need realize this is not part of the USA. This is the People Republic of Denver, Calirado.
The key to all of this – meaning every single interaction between the police and the public, including inconsequential blatant revenue-generating traffic stops – is contained in one short sentence above: “Hopefully this is a stark reminder for the police to use BETTER DISCRETION when enforcing Polis’ (or ANY “by the book” law’s) orders”. …Honestly, I’m surprised that they didn’t take Mr. Mooney to the precinct and temporarily jail him in order to justify this ridiculous incident. I know others who feel the same – and that’s a sad comment on what kind of reputation the police have generated for themselves. So please, to all purported “Peace Officers”, re-introduce a respectable level of common sense and compassion to your job performance. You wield an incredible amount of power over the citizenry; don’t use it to be a bully.
Slop feeds sloppy.
And how will this 6 year old react to a policeman near her now? Her parents have some serious reassurance and it will also need a compassionate, understanding police officer to complete her healing. That’s abuse of a child as well as abuse of authority.
an over reaction, what was the police thinking, did he call in to his superior officer for guidance, or just have an underlying problem? At this point we all know what we have to do, we are not stupid as some in authority think we are, now it is about control, control. Are we coming to the precipice of the abyss, where people have had enough, and some , or many will begin to push back in many ways. Those who think they know best, are too intoxicated with an over extend sense of authority. It is time knowing what we must do to, for us to get back to work, many, many people need to save their small business, earn income to feed them selves, pay rent, seek more medical, dental attention, gather a sense of self worth, and important to government pay taxes, we know what will happen when this subsides all, governments will demand an tax increase, for a situation they have over stepped with too much control, just my observation, opinion
Excellent comment by David Everrett. Every church in Colorado should throw open their doors on Easter Sunday and welcome their members. And on Monday following every business forced to shut down as being “non-essential” needs to open their doors for business as usual. It is time to tell this tyrannical governor enough is enough.
Hopefully these police are sued for damages
What is it these people don’t understand. We have a crisis in this country and thousands have died and the Governor is only doing what is necessary to keep people from getting sick. He isn’t doing this to take away your rights. We need to enforce rules, because otherwise people will do whatever the hell they please. Would you rather see more deaths.
Karla,you need to go back to school and learn history.This is a first for our country.Just like the flu,polio and others,we never once shut this country down.
I would like to know how the police came to the conclusion that the father was the one breaking the law with the family of three, i’m sure they are closer than 6 feet when they are in there home…ridiculous!
I guess the police in Brighton aren’t all that “bright.” That’s okay; they’re in good company: We have a dimwit for governor.
Just the police state at work the people of this state and country are going to rise up it is coming if this continues!
I retired from the police department after 32 years. This kind of action is unheard of based upon the evidence given. I encourage this father to get an attorney. No matter what how they try to reclassify their actions, the officers ARRESTED HIM without probable cause. Please let us know the amount of the check they end up giving you.
You must not have been a good cop is you don’t know the difference between getting detained vs getting arrested, though they didn’t appear to have the reasonable suspicion to detain him either.