Denver, CO – Governor Jared Polis closed bars after only two weeks in a knee-jerk reaction. The abrupt change comes after a slight uptick in COVID-19 cases in Colorado.
We call this a knee-jerk reaction for multiple reasons.
First, many bars have been unable to operate for months due to Polis’ executive orders picking winners and losers from private businesses. These businesses are struggling, and two weeks of being open will not pay the bills.
While bars are still permitted to sell drinks to-go, they are only allowed to provide to-go drinks with the purchase of food.
Secondly, Colorado should expect an uptick in cases as so-called social distancing measures are reduced.
Thirdly, regardless of whether social distancing measures were effective, Colorado never exceeded the availability of ICU beds or ventilators. This is despite alarmist calls from Polis claiming Colorado would need more than 7,000 ventilators for COVID-19 patients.
On top of all this, Colorado COVID-19 statistics show that vulnerable populations reside mainly in long-term care facilities. Colorado’s COVID-19 response needs to promote these vulnerable populations’ health, not target small businesses that are struggling to pay their bills.
If the idea is to build herd-immunity to the virus, young people and those at low risk of becoming seriously ill must be allowed to contract the virus to develop anti-bodies. If they are, Colorado’s daily case numbers will increase.
We are not advising people to go out and disregard all common sense. Please, do what you can to reduce the spread of COVID-19. It is real, and it can kill.
The fact of the matter is, Colorado’s health care system was never overwhelmed. The real harm done in Colorado is the economic destruction brought on by Polis’ heavy-handed response and abuse of executive power.
You can read Executive Order D 2020 123, here.
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Its a knee jerk reaction all right. Its mostly a Jerk’s reaction of what has happened. Maybe he should not be allowed to be on facebook or on anything at all. No body cares what he thinks. What are the State Legislatures doing! Sitting on their bunns. Can’t he be overruled even the President can be over Ruled. He is only a Governor he isn’t God. This man has to go . He isn’t a Governor he is a Tyrant.
The politician with the most personal wealth in Colorado told the bar owners and workers, they’re not allowed to work.
So much of the independent non corporate competition clung to life, so they’ll just keep them shut down a little while longer until the big corps are properly positioned to buy or crush who’s left.
This apparently was never about health in the first place. All decision trails point to power and money.
Can someone check how many CO politicians own pharma stock? That would explain the hold out until their proprietary vaccine is ready.
King Polis is following the lead of his BFF governor Newsom, in California. He knows the forced closures over an uptick in numbers will destroy even more small business owners. An uptick that clearly shows herd immunity is happening (and what should have happened before people were locked away in their homes the first time). But for him and the rest of the Democrats controlled by the marxist mob it is all about making sure President Trump is not re-elected in November. Business owners should refuse to close a second time. Not sure what has happened with the first lockdown business owners who sued Polis but it needs to be repeated.
I would like to know what Polis did with the field hospitals he spent millions to build? Colorado’s hospital systems were not even threatened to be overwhelmed and the Convention Center site was built after the peak in Colorado. They were never even needed.
Was he just trying to get some revenue from the convention center after shutting it down this year?
Great reference Max. Twentyfive thousand dollars a day, no biggie to this government. That’s money well spent because it drives the news cycle. Type in any given 3 digit number then ‘new cases’ into google. Muh, more testing!