Denver, CO – Governor Jared Polis called anyone not wearing a mask “selfish bastards” in a Facebook post on July 12, 2020.
“The emerging scientific data is clear: wearing a mask doesn’t only protect others, it also significantly reduces your own risk of getting Coronavirus. So if you’re a selfish bastard and wearing a mask to protect others isn’t enough of a reason to do so, then maybe protecting yourself is?”
From Facebook
Polis continues to employ insults and fear-mongering in an attempt to force Coloradans to do what he wants.
Does Polis really believe this is the way to get people to wear masks?
Last we checked, there were mass protests because people were fed up with the economic shutdown due to Polis’ policies. Our guess is Polis is too afraid of the backlash to mandate people to wear masks, so he is lashing out like a petulant child.
More importantly than Polis’ childish ways are the people who have legitimate health reasons preventing them from wearing masks.
Some people cannot wear masks due to certain health conditions such as asthma. These people already struggle to get enough oxygen, and a mask only further exasperates this health issue.
If Polis and Democrats want to pretend to be all high and mighty when they attack President Trump, they better check their hateful, exclusive rhetoric at the door.
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Leftists like Polis think calling people names and public shaming works. He is ticked off it is not working and Coloradans see masks as power, control, and submission. It has nothing to do with the virus itself. What it has to do with is the election on Nov. 3rd.
I agree !
true. recall polis
A mask is a medical device that must be ordered by a doctor after a medical exam. I do not have a medical condition that requires me to wear a mask. Stuff it.
I think the issue of wearing a mask or not, is really not about the virus at all. It doesn’t take a mental giant to realize that if masks do in fact work to stop the microscopic droplet so many are terrified of, then why would a mask wearer care whether or not someone else is wearing one?
I don’t care to hear from the legions of obedient lefties who all seem to cling to whatever they heard on the view, as they all seem to just regurgitate the ridiculous and overblown “sky is falling” mindset being whipped into a frenzy by the mainstream media.
I choose to exercise my ability to form an independent and rational thought, and right now I am unhappy with the fruitcake we have as our governor.
He plays on the fears of his supporters, and he understands fully just how completely ignorant they are as well as how they will fiercely defend whatever BS is told to them merely because he is a democrat.
How silly of him to expect the other half of our population to respect anything he says, when what he says are insulting and derogatory toward them.
He does this because as a weak and incompetent jackass, he can’t stand the fact that this other half of society possess the ability to see through his nonsense.
This stupid mask controversy is 100% about collecting data about how obedient the American people would be in the future should the New World Order come to be.
Stop being so stubborn and rabid in your denials of fact, and stand up for yourselves.
Anyone who considers this idiot a good choice to govern Colorado, has probably done a few bong hits too many in their lives.
Standing six feet apart has its own role in this little experiment as well.
Causing separation helps to desensitize people to others, and if we begin to stop caring altogether about each other we will care less what happens to them.
Don’t forget that works both ways, and they will also stop caring about what happens to you as well.
This is a virus that is far less dangerous than the common annual flu.
This is a virus that most of us probably already had, but we didn’t even know it.
More people die every year from the common flu after having the vaccination than those who die from the COVID-19.
Why has this nation shut down and allowed the rioting, looting, and other destructive events take place over a phony pandemic?
It isn’t about the damn virus, that’s why.
Governor Polis is just trying to set himself up for some cushy Cabinet position should the corrupt democratic party be able to steal this upcoming election.
Don’t deny it- it only makes you appear even more ignorant.
Stop wearing that stupid mask.
Start remembering that you aren’t a child and you don’t need anyone to tell you to wash your hands.
When did we become a nation of pansies?
Next week we will work on our colors!
I hate our governor and I think he is an embarrassment to this state.
Amen– I don’t watch him and I don’t care what he says anymore. I wear a Mask in the Stores to protect others. I am perfectly Healthy and have always been. We don’t see any one dying in our streets and the only Obits we see in this Valley are not dying of the Virus. We need to Sue him and run him out of office. He is a detriment to Society and to the Churches. He is worse than a 3 year old child. I never voted for him to begin with. This program between him and Hickenlooper should have been enough to have him shut out of office. He is nothing but a Thief and a Liar and this Virus is another way of getting him planted into the Governorship. He needs to be ousted and Hickenlooper need to go before a Court and fined for steal money out of an Account that should have been given to those of 9/11. Go Mr. Neville. The Western Slope is Behind you. Thank you.
i dont own a mask,
wont buy a mask
wont wear a mask
I only have masks given to me by the clinic I go to for my real breathing problems.
Um — no. There is conflicting “science” behind this. And, unless you don’t do you own responsible research, including Mr. Ed Zachary, OSHA mask expert, then in my books you’re under what I call “deliberately ignorant.” Root word ignore; translation is stupid.
I also CAN’T wear a mask for any length of time. So, mandating masks is actually discriminating against those of us who literally cannot tolerate them.
So true. I too have problems with health. It is of my opinion, I can think better for myself, then ANYONE who regurgitate things that do NOT make sense. I’ve talked to my private doctors, and the ratio is about 50/50 if masks should be worn.
It appears Governor Polis is seeking to distract attention away from his incompetence. Japan was able to stop COVID-19 without shutting down the economy. Japan conducted a natural experiment. Part of their strategy was retrospective tracing back to the source of the infection. Last week, I posted this The Wall Street Journal commentary on Governor Polis’s official web site.
How Japan Beat Coronavirus Without Lockdowns: A focus on contact tracing and ‘cluster busting’ has allowed us to avoid harmful economic restrictions.
So far, Governor Polis has not talked about retrospective tracing. It appears he is unable to competently implement retrospective tracing.
Such a gentleman he is! Well, I would rather be a selfish bastard than an unrepentant homosexual.
If you notice that some of the States bordering Colorado have been wearing masks, but nothing was shut down. So why can those States Like Utah, Wyoming, and several of others didn’t shut down businesses. There fore I think that Our Governor is using a high handed method used by the Democrats to make us fall into line. Cussing at us and calling us Bastards is not going to get it. Thank you Patrick Neville for stepping up to help sue Polis for overstepping his bounds. I don’t wear it except to go into a store. Other than that. I don’t wear it. I don’t care what mandate he makes of us. He can’t eat us. I think that he has gone nuts. He is taking away our Personal Liberty and we are done with living in Fear. Go Patrick Neville go. Polis said he didn’t care if we had enough votes to run him out of the Governor Ship. Well Maybe he should think again about how we are all getting sick and tired of his misfit opinions of us all. Calling us Names isn’t going to make us like him any better.
Governors should not be going around insulting private citizens for not accepting his dictatorship over their lives, I have read to many doctors saying wearing those masks is dangerous especially long term wearing.