Denver, CO – Governor Jared Polis avoided answering whether his mask mandate is enforceable in an interview on 630 KHOW on The Ross Kaminsky Show.
Kaminsky called Polis out for stating days before his mask mandate that he did not believe a mandate was enforceable. When questioned on this change of heart, Polis flat out avoided the question.
While avoiding the question, Polis said, “pragmatism and data has to supersede” our civil liberties.
Now, Polis never directly stated his so-called “pragmatism” should supersede our civil liberties and freedoms. However, that is exactly what his statement implied, and what his executive order mandating masks does.
“But sometimes Ross, pragmatism and data has to supersede our own desires, our own ideologies, our own wishes.”
From The Ross Kaminsky Show on 630 KHOW at 9:38
The ideologies people are standing for are that of our civil liberties over government authority.
Polis clearly stated he does not care about our civil liberties and believes that his authority should supersede our rights.
This tyrannical line of thinking has no place in the United States.
It does not matter which side of the mask debate you support. In fact, it does not matter what this debate is over.
Polis’ apparent disregard for individual freedom should be a wakeup call for every Coloradan.
Our Governor believes he is ultimately right, and his word is the rule of law no matter what freedoms he squashes.
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Don’t be too hard on Polis; he stopped humping his boyfriend’s leg long enough to try to do something, stupid though it might be.
My mother and mother in law are both on hospice in nursing homes here in CO and we are banned from seeing either of them in their last days!!! It’s been almost 4 damned months, ENOUGH ALREADY!! We need to see our loved ones before they die!!!
If Polis actually believed what he says then he would be issuing mandatory condom mandates for all men who engage in male on male anal sex. After all, the AIDS virus is transmitted with this behavior and condoms have been shown to be effective at prevention.
As long as people continue to go along with these edicts and decrees of the communists that have infested just about every institution in Colorado, they will keep ratcheting up their antics. Wouldn’t be surprised if the next step would be to try to lock people in their homes or try to make it a crime to be in public or something of that nature at some point in the near future.
The bottom line is they will continue to lock society down a little more each time so long as people keep going along with their manufactured insanity.
If this is allowed to continue one day comments like this^^^^ will become a crime.
Wake up folks.
Make Colorado RED again!!
Its not legal but is enforceable because the idiots in this state make it enforceable!