Denver, CO – Governor Jared Polis is attempting to scare businesses into submission. A restaurant that opened for dine-in service on Mother’s Day is now shut down.
Polis said the restaurant would be closed for 30 days.
“Summary suspension actions are immediate and require the restaurant to shut down as soon as they receive the suspension order,” the department said in a statement to Business Insider. “Both agencies may choose to pursue additional legal action if the restaurant owner violates their respective orders. If a business remained open after its license was suspended, the next step would be to get a court order to close the business.”
From Business Insider
The restaurant complied with orders until Sunday but reportedly are not able to even make payroll under Polis’ edicts.
One of the restaurant’s owners, April Arellano, also wrote on Facebook that they “would go out of business if I don’t do something” and “if I lose the business at least I’m fighting,” according to the Denver Post.
From Business Insider
Arellano added, “We are so behind. We have complied for two months. We cannot make it on $200 per day sales when two staff cost me $250, not counting, food, cost, utilities and rent.”
It is hard to blame a restaurant for opening its doors, especially when they are on the brink of going out of business.
Polis is not protecting lives. He is destroying them.
Restaurants in other states are opening. Colorado’s COVID-19 numbers are dropping steadily. It is time for Colorado to follow suit.
People are free to make their own decisions. If they want to eat at a packed restaurant, that is their choice.
The people who want or need to stay home can make that choice as well.
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Polis is destroying the once thriving CO. He is playing the role of autocratic dictator. Other states are opening up restaurants. Polis is playing the hands of the ‘deep state’ who want to see CO destroyed economically. Another commie CA 2.0 on steroids.
He needs to go we need to open and feed our families We’re all gonna be homeless and on food stamps and on welfare we want to work and we are healthy keep the sick home let US Open our business.
Democrats in the Colorado Legislature extend their VACATION. Your going to follow Pelosi huh! Polis is getting out of hand. Its time for Colorado to rise up and go to Denver and put him in his place. He is acting like a God and he is no God. The Western Slope needs to shut him down or up or what ever it takes. That is all he had in mind when he shut down Colorado. Like his caricature picture said. In Three Months time taking over Colorado, I have shut the Gas and Oil Industry Down. I have put the Businesses out of Business and they are going down too. The State of Colorado will remember me as I bought my votes to get voted in. I am going to Bankrupt Colorado and it will only take me three months. So what in the hell is every one thinking. You get over to Denver and you shut him Down and we will need to replace him with a Republican. He bought his votes just like Hickenpooper. I didn’t vote for him and if you did (and you know who you are) you should be really proud of what you have done to Colorado. No tourists, no driving, no nothing. We can’t wait him out like we did Hickey– and by the way why hasn’t some of our State Officials Shut him up and shut him out. You were voted in to stop this gestapo tactics and that is what it is. Polis has done what he promised every Democrat he would do. He has shut the Beautiful State of Colorado down, he is never going to lift the order to resume Business. So something has to be done before he wrecks the entire State with his nonsense. I am very disappointed in Colorado right now. You are being played as suckers. I guess that is what you are. Remember he tried to take our Guns away and that didn’t succeed, now he wants everyone on the Western Slope to suffer. Oh that hand that stand against the Righteous shall be sent away to a place where black holes reside. Is this what Western Colorado wants is a Butt Hook for a Governor. Shame on You Polis. It won’t do any good to write him, The only thing that will get his attention is to march over to the Colorado State Legislature and bounce them on their heads. Either you are for us or your against us. You better be ready to take your punishment! Its coming! The Wrath of God shall not let one Person destroy an entire State.
State of Jefferson solution. Is Weld county making headway on merging with Wyoming? We want out of Colorado. This dude is going to continue to wreck havock for the next 3 years. Colorado will never be the same. We are suffering as we have now lost medical, dental, surgery, cardiologists, optometrists, even the support of the workers union whom refuses to acknowledge our complaints. We even lost costco. All because we made independent medical decisions and decided not to wear masks. If you lose the right to your own body, you will lose everything else in short order, including your possessions, your speech, your family, your life. We are not taking the vaccine and we are not wearing the mask. I advise you to stop carrying your cell phone around, remove the battery, and unplug or stop the bluetooth function for everything in your house which uses bluetooth technology until HR6666 is defeated. They sold it. And you bought it. Everything bluetooth that you own is likely communicating in the background without your knowledge, 50+ yards and this is the tool they will use to enforce contact tracing.
Here, sign this: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/advocacy-center/tell-congress-that-h-r-6666-covid-19-testing-reaching-and-contacting-everyone-trace-act-is-unconstitutional-and-threatens-the-liberty-of-all-americans/
Not sure if others are doing this but my family used chalk markers to write on our back car window,
“Gov. Polis Is Destroying Families And Small Businesses”. Our other vehicle says “My Body, My Choice, OPEN All businesses.” Every time we are out and about the message is being shared.
Correct me if I am wrong, but I see only a few scattered restaurants opening up. That is the problem. What needs to happen, is that ALL these business owners must open ALL at once. Too many to cover for Polis and his judicial threat. The jails are not big enough. Open en-mass. Overload the system. Mass openings would do it, in my humble opinion. If anyone has a better idea, please, list it.
I totally agree with you that’s what I’ve been saying from the start! I did visit another restaurant this week that is still open (they have the backing of the local police) and it was great to eat out again with people NOT wearing masks!
that’s a great idea, now if everyone could get on board, there would be nothing they could do about it. it’s our constitutional right to pursue our life as we see fit. this whole thing is bs in my opinion.
A Jewish Governor dictating like Hitler.
I hate to tell polis but he can NOT do that, here is a REAL LAW everyone should check out, Especially Restaurants, https://www.justice.gov/crt/deprivation-rights-under-color-law?fbclid=IwAR1I4scKW4dNcnmiUpj-zDMvakew9yySVwgGUhIEyL8yWBU8bg7ymQ5c_Hc
Sure Sherry. Who will enforce this? Our police and justice systems will not help. They are on board. Colorado citizens are on their own. We will never trust law enforcement or government again. We are not voting Trump if he allows mandatory vaccines. Come what may, that is the line for us. We are now constantly explaining to our young children how corrupt the school and government officials are, and that’s why everyone is fooled into being afraid, and wearing masks all the time. It is vital that the parents not allow the state to train their children to live in fear. One size fits all has never worked. There should be schools, restaurants, hospitals, dentists, and everything to the very last retail or corner store, which is allowed to have a sign; masks required, or masks and no social distancing allowed. Let the consumers decide. Let the cowards go out of business. Let the patriots get back to work and fill the void.
In another state they proposed the governors paycheck be withheld as long as they maintain lockdows. We should do the same, expand the edict, and add a retro active aspect. Every single city official and government person whom has been receiving income while non governmental people have not, should immediately have their income suspended and pay back the last several months worth. This is the definition of taxation without representation. We continue to pay taxes while they hinder our ability to earn money to pay those taxes. Is life so sweet or peace so dear… It’s no surprise alternative media is exploding and the tech companies can’t even keep track of their own censorship. YTB today is dealing with stack overflow from adding too many denied instances to their censorship list, as previously censored videos are popping up again and their censorship tools are not functioning properly, at least for the moment.
The sooner everyone turns off the television, unsubscribes from the Denver Post, and refuses to even tune in, the better. They’re tracking the viewers and watching stats and do believe in the authoritative news sources argument. Set them straight by simply tuning out. There is no greater objection than absence and how will a tyrant have power, if nobody listens to them in the first place? I will never again in my life tune in to hear Pollis speak and I don’t ever want to hear him again in my life. I will henceforth change the channel if he is even mentioned. I will immediately stop supporting anyone whom supports him. From charity to churches, to stores to airtime, if they support taxation without representation, they will never get my dollars or time again. Vote with your wallet.
Will someone please post a list of companies and organizations whom supported him, so we can immediately boycott them too.