Denver, CO – Tune in now to catch The Chuck & Julie Show live! If you miss the show, check back tomorrow for the recording.
Notice: If the video does not play, please listen to the show here!
Today, it’s the Minority Report on The Chuck & Julie Show with Colorado House Minority Leader Patrick Neville! The Colorado Supreme Court recently ruled that the legislative session will continue. Tune in to find out what to expect when the COVID-19 shutdown comes to an end.
Also on the show, Michael Thau raises significant questions about the stats and models used to justify shutting down the economy.
If you’re stuck at home with nothing to do, get your news from this great alternative source!
Make sure you tune in with us at 3:00 P.M. to catch the show live or come back tomorrow when today’s show is available on YouTube. The Chuck & Julie Show is live every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 3:00 P.M. to 3:55 P.M.
Listeners can call the show at 888-627-6008.
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Good broadcast. Thank you! Just discovered you.
How can I find Michael Thau’s website?