Denver, CO – Tune in at 3:00 P.M. MST to catch The Chuck & Julie Show live! If you miss the show, check back tomorrow for the recording.
You can view today’s podcast here.
Trump v COVID Chuck and Julie Show October 2, 2020
You can view Monday’s podcast here.
Notice: If the video does not play, please listen to the show here!
Democrat lapdog media have exploding heads today with the news that President Trump and the First Lady have tested positive for COVID-19. But is it going to change anyone’s vote?
Rep. Patrick Neville gives his take on that in today’s Chuck and Julie Show.
Plus, Colorado’s SOS is not only sending get out the vote cards trying to register dead people and people who cannot legally vote, now she’s demanding the media not report election results on election night.
Thank you Congressman Ken Buck for pushing back.
Make sure you tune in with us at 3:00 P.M. MST to catch the show live or come back tomorrow when today’s show is available on YouTube. The Chuck & Julie Show is live every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 3:00 P.M. to 3:55 P.M.
Listeners can call the show at 888-627-6008.
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Well ‘The Media can’t keep us from knowing the actual numbers for the President. He either Wins or he Loses. If you want to give back your Stimulus then you should do it now as after the Election, you will be giving it up to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. They will gladly take every dime you have ever made that is in the Bank and you will be dead broke. You can’t afford Groceries as your Taxes are going to eat up most of your salary. You Will need to hide any coins or collections that you have at home. Polis and his Cronies are going to come after you with tooth and nail. You will need to carry a gun to survive as Joe Biden won’t be in his right mind by January and you will have to pay more in Property Taxes, Have to pay for all of the stuff that you wrote about Polis on line. He will take you guns and your cell phone and anything else that isn’t tied down. There won’t be any money for your kids to go to school. You need to stock up on food, as they are coming to take it away from you and leave you nothing but the shirt on your back and a whiskey bottle in your hand. Here it comes.