Aspen, CO – Pitkin County Sheriff Joe DiSalvo is going full authoritarian along with Governor Jared Polis. He wants to see a national “Stay at Home” order.
He added that he wants there to be a national stay-at-home order, and that Pitkin County came out with one of the most aggressive ones even before the state of Colorado.
From: The Aspen Times
It doesn’t get much more authoritarian than that.
DiSalvo already has a full lockdown of his jurisdiction. But, as a true Aspen elite, he believes the same authoritarian measures should be imposed on the rest of the country.
A blanket “Stay at Home” order treating the entire country exactly the same is absurd, and likely a violation of the United States Constitution.
“Going all the way back to 1824, the Supreme Court has noted that states have the power to impose ‘quarantine laws’ and ‘health laws of every description,'” he writes. “In theory, Congress may use its power under the Constitution’s Commerce Clause to grant the president additional authority over commerce during a public health crisis, but it has not done that. Thus, the true executive authority of state commerce rests with governors.”
From: BILLY BINION, Reason
That’s especially true when it comes to the proposal of a national lockdown, which Trump has no obvious legal avenues to impose.
So, without Congress granting President Trump greater authority over commerce during the COVID-19 crisis, Trump doesn’t have the authority.
Congress is not going to do that. Democrats in the House would rather funnel billions of dollars to special interests and point fingers.
If you live in DiSalvo’s neighborhood, you better comply with his orders.
“We will not hesitate to arrest and summons individuals who make poor choices that invade your fellow community members or first responders.”
From: The Aspen Times
Now, when it comes to the jerk who spit in a lady’s face when she asked him to keep his social distance on a trail, the jerk probably deserved to get maced. However, when it comes to polite people just trying to survive an authoritarian lockdown, threats of arrest by law enforcement should be taken very seriously.
Any Hobby Lobby or Appliance Factory type businesses that are arguably “essential,” are probably in trouble as well.
So, if you live in Pitkin County, you better bow down to DiSalvo’s authority.
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