Fort Collins, CO – A pastor sued Governor Jared Polis over worship restrictions on churches in Colorado in response to COVID-19.
Pastor Mark Hotaling of High Plains Harvest Church is behind the federal lawsuit.
Polis’ order only allows the church to host 50 people.
Pastor Hotaling claims Polis’ order infringes on religious liberties and the First Amendment.
“The goal is simply to open the church. God’s word tells us we are supposed to greet one another, we are supposed to gather,” Hotaling said. “Houses of worship should be able to freely exercise under the First Amendment their religion. We are being prohibited in doing that right now.”
Pastor Mark Hotaling, from CBS4
Pastor Hotaling went on in his interview to say this:
“It is a religious liberties issue. You can go to Lowe’s or Home Depot, and hundreds of people are buying lumber and gardening supplies,” Hotaling said. “It is time for the church to have the same freedom that a big box store has.”
Pastor Mark Hotaling, from CBS4
This is a winning case, but it may have to be argued all the way to the Supreme Court of the United States.
Polis continues to subjugate the people of Colorado and infringe on their Constitutional rights. The fact it is taking a federal lawsuit to open churches, while businesses like hardware stores remain open according to Polis’ edicts, is absurd.
Pastor Hotaling says the church purchased plenty of masks and hand sanitizer. The church is also prepared to follow social distancing guidelines.
People have every right to make their own decisions regarding where and when they worship. If their church is willing to open, and they are willing to attend, that is their right.
Yet, Polis continues to obstruct the operation of the church, and his office refuses to comment.
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