Denver, CO – We’ve written extensively about how awful the 2019 Colorado National Popular Vote law is if you like liberty and freedom. Some of the worst laws that came out of the session were Red Flag, the perverse Sex Ed Bill, Oil and Gas industry killing SB19-181, and of course the National Popular Vote law.
However, with the National Popular Vote law (NPV), citizens from across Colorado banded together, collected a bunch of signatures, and now the repeal of that law will be on the ballot. This is one of the few bright spots for 2019 and sends a message to the far-left Democrats to tone it down. These repeal initiatives rarely make the ballot, so this is new and a big deal. It is also a win not just for conservatives but all Colorado citizens.
Well, now the opposition to the repeal of the NPV is forming. The usual liberal suspects are involved.
We want to focus on an organization, that has become so partisan, so far left, it should change its benign name: The League of Women Voters.
The League of Women Voters, although they claim to be non-partisan, is a shill for the far left. Their latest indiscretion in opposing the NPV repeal should come as no surprise.
If you’ve ever been down at the State Capitol to testify on anything freedom/Constitutional related, the League of Women Voters is there to testify on the wrong side. In fact, it seems they’re down there every day.
They testify on the wrong side of issues like total gun control (for), school choice (against), Right To Work (against), and against anything that cuts or limits the growth of government like TABOR (against it pages 8-11). If you want to read their policy positions without the spin on their website, here’s a link to their comprehensive study.
We think the left has been very adept in taking over a lot of organizations that used to serve a non-partisan purpose. The League of Women Voters is definitely one of those organizations.
Our goal is to inform, so you, our readers, can make an informed decision. So next time you see the League of Women Voters support or oppose something – remember it is a highly partisan endorsement.
What should the League of Women Voters change its name to represent its policy positions accurately? Please write your ideas in the comments below, or on social media!
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A telling fact that they are no longer Partisan is that Planned Parenthood is one of their sponsors. I will not be using their voter guide anymore.