Fairplay, CO – Park County, Colorado may be the latest county in the state to close to non-residents and require identification to travel in response to COVID-19.
Park County Commissioners met at 10:15 A.M., Tuesday, April 14, 2020, to discuss the proposed Public Health Order. No update has been provided by the county at this time.
The draft of the order restricts travel on county roads for non-residents and would close all short-term lodging in the county. It is punishable with up to a $5,000 fine and jail time.
The Park County Coroner reported the death of a 39-year-old Florida male as a result of COVID-19. CBS4 reports this was after the man suffered a cardiac arrest.
Park County Public Health conducted a disease tracing investigation and have determined that the risk to Park County Citizens is low.
From the Office of the Park County Coroner
According to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, there are six reported cases of COVID-19 in Park County.
Potential Public Health Order
The potential Public Health Order is concerning for many reasons.
Once again, it carries an excessive fine of up to $5,000 that could easily be abused.
The potential order also appears to restrict recreational travel, which is exempt under the statewide “Stay at Home” order. The only travel excluded from the order is for “Critical Businesses” and “Critical Government Functions.”
The drafted order makes no reference to persons who must travel through the county to reach their destination. The lack of this language is concerning as it may criminalize travelers who have no intention to stop in Park County.
In addition, the order also gives police the authority to obtain proof of residence from anyone traveling on the county roads. This is incredibly concerning as it gives police a workaround to ask for identification from anyone and for any reason.
Finally, the order closes ALL short-term lodging, whether it is public or privately operated.
This power grab is even more concerning, considering the coroner noted: “the risk to Park County Citizens is low.”
This is not the first county in Colorado to close its borders or shut down county roads to non-residents. It likely will not be the last.
However, every citizen in Colorado should be concerned with the willingness of county officials and unelected bureaucrats to seize power during the COVID-19 crisis.
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