Today on third reading was HB19-1227. The bill creates a prevailing wage working group that will…
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Democrats reaffirm their radical agenda in a vote-a-rama
Last week the legislature took a whack at the appropriations bill, and as you can imagine,…
Daily Legislative Calendar: House
You can find today’s calendar here, and take a glance at how your Representatives want to…
Daily Legislative Calendar: Senate
You can find today’s calendar here, and take a glance at how your Senators want to…
Democrats want to make it legal to embezzle campaign funds
Democrats supposedly hate big money involved in campaigns – except for their own of course. In…
Daily Legislative Calendar: Senate
You can find today’s calendar here, and take a glance at how your Senators want to…
Daily Legislative Calendar: House
You can find today’s calendar here, and take a glance at how your Representatives want to…
Ken Buck to Clean House?
With the Democrats out of control in the legislature and Polis unchecked, many Republican officials put…
Daily Legislative Calendar: Senate
You can find today’s calendar here, and take a glance at how your Senators want to…
Daily Legislative Calendar: House
You can find today’s calendar here, and take a glance at how your Representatives want to…
Daily Legislative Calendar: House
Today in the House Energy & Environment Committee is hearing the bill to drastically cut “greenhouse…
Daily Legislative Calendar: Senate
The nanny state traction-control bill is on second reading in the Senate today. Check here to…