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1 week left: Democrats scrambling to complete agenda

The legislative session ends on May 3rd, and Democrats are scrambling to complete their radical agenda.…

Daily Legislative Calendar: Senate

Today in the Senate is a bill concerning the funding of full-day Kindergarten. Check out the…

Daily Legislative Calendar: House

Today in the House is a bill sponsored by Representative Lisa Cutter that creates an entity…

Nanny State Democrats are desperate to raise taxes

With the illegal paid family leave tax dead for this session, Democrats are desperate to raise…

Daily Legislative Calendar: Senate

Check out the Senate calendar here.

Daily Legislative Calendar: House

The controversial forced vaccination bill is on third reading in the House today. Check out the…

Forced vaccination bill costing lawmakers sleep

Yesterday in the Committee of the Whole, the hotly contested forced vaccination bill drug debate out…

Daily Legislative Calendar: Senate

Check out the long list of bills being rushed through the legislature in the last two…

Daily Legislative Calendar: House

The House was in session until about 3 am this morning debating the controversial forced vaccination…

Galindo blames “market forces” for loss of energy jobs

Currently on the floor is a nanny state bill that will put coal workers into a…

Daily Legislative Calendar: Senate

You can find today’s calendar here, and take a glance at how your Senators want to…

Daily Legislative Calendar: House

You can find today’s calendar here, and take a glance at how your Representatives want to…