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Jason Crow Jumped on the Impeachment Train with Op-ed

Washington, D.C. – Rep. Jason Crow (D-CO) from Aurora jumped on the impeachment train with six…

Did AOC’s Visit to Boulder Make it More Or Less Liberal?

That’s a question we were divided on here at the Colorado Citizens Press nerve center. One…

Polis’ Staffer Attempted to Silence the Media

Denver, CO – Staff in the office of Governor Jared Polis attempted to silence the media…

Impeachment: House Dems, Media, vs. President Trump

Washington, D.C. – House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) announced yesterday that the House would begin a…

Sanders Wants to Decide How Much Wealth You Own

The United States – Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT) wants to decide how much wealth you are…

Wins on Life

We wrote extensively on how the repeal of the National Popular Vote Law collected enough signatures…

Denver Teachers Union Elects New “Progressive” Leader

Denver, CO – After ten years, the Denver Teachers Union has decided to elect a new…

#StandWithICE Number 2: What You Should Know

Aurora, CO – The second #StandWithICE support rally begins tomorrow, September 21st, and is hosted by…

WATCH Communist Organizer: “What’s up pigs”

Aurora, CO – In typical communist fashion, the organizers of the anti-ICE neighborhood invasion insulted police…

Communist Terror: Protestors Invade Quiet Family Neighborhood

Aurora, CO – Abolish ICE Denver, the Denver Communists, and others held an obscene protest in…

Steamboat Students Skipping Class Friday for Climate Change Strike

Steamboat Springs, CO – Students in the Eco Club at Steamboat Springs High School plan to…

NY Fashion Label Slammed for ‘School Shooting Line’

New York, NY – A New York-based fashion label revealed a “school shooting” line at a…