Over 231,000 Out of Work in Colorado – 874 Currently Hospitalized Due to COVDI-19

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Denver, CO – Well over 231,000 people are out of work in Colorado, but only 874 are currently hospitalized due to COVID-19.

This is according to the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE) data updated at 2:06 P.M. on April 19, 2020.

The disparity between these numbers is part of the growing evidence that Governor Jared Polis overreacted to the COVID-19 crisis.

This is not to say COVID-19 is not a serious virus. People are getting very sick, and some are dying from the new coronavirus. We should respond accordingly.

However, that does not give Polis a license to take away jobs and put all of Colorado on house arrest.

Colorado’s economy is in shambles. Thousands rallied at the Colorado State Capitol on Sunday, calling on Polis to end his draconian orders. Their jobs are gone, and they are struggling to make ends meet.

People need to get back to work.

Still, Polis refuses to free his hostages, despite his doomsday predictions starting to look more and more absurd.

Polis and his administration point to that as a success of his draconian orders, but the truth is they just don’t know. COVID-19 models are constantly being reworked, showing that previous models were incredibly inaccurate.

It may take years to accurately assess what worked, what did not, and how the new coronavirus is actually spreading. It will not take years for people to lose their homes and businesses.

But still, Polis is content to keep middle class and low-income Coloradans right where he wants them – at the mercy of his orders.

A measured approach to social distancing is what Colorado needed.

Young, healthy people need to be allowed to get the economy rolling again. Those who are at risk can isolate themselves at home.

Fewer people out of work means there are more resources for those who need them the most.

CDC social distancing guidelines can be easily followed at most, if not all, businesses.

The government and the media whipped up such a frenzy around COVID-19 that people are terrified. Without exercising strict authoritarian control, people will continue to practice social distancing. With strict authoritarian control, it is apparent people will continue to rebel.

Everybody wants to flatten the curve, and nobody wants to overwhelm the health care system.

Everybody also needs to pay their bills and put food on the table, but that requires an open economy.

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9 thoughts on “Over 231,000 Out of Work in Colorado – 874 Currently Hospitalized Due to COVDI-19

  1. Why wont anyone publish the percentages…what percent of Coloradoan have died? What percent of Denvers population has been confirmed to be afflicted by the virus..what percent have been hispitalized..numbers are scary..we must know how these numbers compare to last years virus..etc.

  2. who is compiling the information, this virus vs the flu are the numbers being reported separately or are they lumped together to create confusion, or to fits some one’s agenda, how many are involved in doing this, are they being directed by person, persons with a angle to play. At this point there is no credibility in this states government, nor the people pontificating in government nor the media, Just wondering. We are not stupid as the state, media wants you to believe, we know what we must do, we need to get back to work, earn income to support our selves, reestablish our own self worth, pay taxes, before the whining starts about a short fall due to the government’s miss management, just my opinion

  3. Polis has picked and chosen which businesses may operate while others are forced to close their doors. Stupid signs on I25 tell us “Stay Home, Save A Life” (forget the fact 2018 had 700 people in CO die in car accidents). The CDC has told hospitals they may “assume” a death is caused by China Virus, no positive test necessary. Family members are not being permitted to see their loved ones hospitalized and may not even be able to be with them if they die while hospitalized because of lock down policy. Polis is a millionaire getting a handsome taxpayer funded paycheck. He is absolutely clueless about the immense misery he has purposely done to Colorado families, businesses, churches, and employees. He needs to be sued.

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