Denver, CO – Conservatives are constantly accused of interfering in Colorado primaries. However, the money being spent by far-left “Republicans” against conservative candidates tells a different story.
A total of $1,633,780.29 has been spent in favor of liberal-leaning Republicans by the so-called establishment “Republicans” and out-of-state Hillary Clinton donors.
HD 22: Support Larson/Oppose Everett | $ 498,647.98 |
HD 48: Support Van Beber/Oppose Nouis | $ 434,555.98 |
HD 49: Support Lynch/Oppose Marble | $ 328,978.08 |
HD 63: Support Woog/Oppose Miller | $ 371,598.25 |
Total Spent by Liberal Groups: | $ 1,633,780.29 |
Conservative candidates targeted by this massive sum of money are being outspent 12 to 1 on average. Outside groups working against Marble are outspending conservative grassroots groups 51 to 1.
So far, nearly $382,000 of that money has come directly from a progressive group that is funded by a Hillary Clinton mega-donor. This progressive group, Coloradans for Constitutional Values, is funded primarily by Clinton’s progressive New York donors.
Here is the breakdown of the money being spent by conservative groups.
HD 22: Support Everett/Oppose Larson | $ 41,340.00 |
HD 48: Support Nouis/Oppose Van Beber | $ 40,835.58 |
HD 49: Support Marble/Oppose Lynch | $ 38,682.02 |
HD 63: Support Miller/Oppose Woog | $ 7,211.89 |
Total by Conservative Groups: | $ 128,069.49 |
You don’t have to look twice to start seeing a trend.
This lopsided spending means these conservative candidates should lose by ten -– EVEN TWENTY POINTS in the June 30, 2020, primary election.
This is a David and Goliath fight for the future of the Republican party.
Real conservatives with strong records of defending our gun rights, the lives of the unborn, and fighting for traditional American values are facing a seemingly impossible fight.
On the other side are far-left groups funded by Hillary Clinton mega-donors that want to eliminate Colorado’s Taxpayer Bill of Rights, protect on-demand abortion, and give money and benefits to illegal immigrants.
These radical far-left groups are heavily interfering in these Republican primaries.
They are trying to water the Republican party down while claiming to be “conservative” when in fact, they hardly qualify as anything resembling the “Republican” designation on their voter registration.
In fact, some of these groups are not even run by Republicans.
Worse still, the Democrats love this divisive spending. They want to see a civil war within the Republican party that results in liberal Republicans being elected to office.
Democrats like Governor Hickenlooper want liberal Republicans in office because they vote with Democrats, allowing them to brand their far-left agenda as “bipartisan.”
Sadly, that’s exactly what the situation is here.
Even worse, this attack on the Republican party could have dire consequences.
In fact, these so-called “Republicans” are siphoning money that could be used to ensure victory for Senator Cory Gardner and members of the Colorado Senate and House – and directing it directly into their pockets.
It makes one question whether or not they are trying to sabotage Cory Gardner’s re-election campaign.
Make no mistake; this isn’t about conservative values. It is about power because these leftists are looking to cash it in to empower themselves and their checkbooks.
Money that should be spent to help Cory Gardner and President Donald Trump win is instead being used to divide the Republican primary electorate and pad the pockets of Colorado’s Republican swamp.
We wonder if the donors really know the intentions of the people they are donating to, and how their money is being spent.
Related Article:
Hillary Clinton Mega-donor Dumps Hundreds of Thousands in an Effort to Buy GOP Primaries
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I’m fed up with liberal, left leaning Republican’s. Their the ones who the Bush family side with and their tearing this country apart. One reason we’re leaving Colorado after living here 30 years!
Looks like money is speech after all. We the Citizens, stand against Citizens United. Spending limits on political campaigns is necessary, and over due. As Ventura said, could you rob a bank and have a defense to just claim you’re trying to get a fair amount of speech for yourself? Now that money is political speech, and everyone is supposed to be entitled to have an equal voice…
My suggestion is a hefty portion of all political spending, the majority of the spending, should go to charity. Want to buy elections, you’ll do so on a 1 to 10 ratio where the majority of your spending goes to random charities, donations you can not control. That or force sharing and spending to the other side and equal distribution. This would prevent buying elections with more paid speech. They can ramp up how much money is spent on the political speech, but the more they spend, the more they feed the competition so their speech can also be heard, equally. It should be the merit and the message that wins, not the money. Well all those jokers in government did it to themselves, being for sale to the highest bidder and abandoning the principals of representative democracy some time ago. All we can do now is vote with our wallet, and boycott the companies involved in political speech donations. And you can help the cause by refusing to listen to the excess of paid political speech during election cycles. What to watch without political ads, if nothing exists, turn it off or find something else.
So why not name all these groups and all TRUE Conservative Republican candidates in state elections as well as Federal elections? Colorado is a mess because of the left wingers and RINOs. I would like an easily accessible database detailing all votes and Constitutional % of each candidate. AND a data base detailing their accomplishments. Have some new faces in the races in CO. I like them.
Make any political donation by any thing, entity, or person other than a natural person who is registered to vote in Colorado and qualified to vote in a particular election illegal., and a felony.
This is disgraceful, no outside money from any entity should be allowed to be used in a Colorado election, were just letting outsiders from ny control whats going on here, wake up Colorado, don’t let rino’s buy the election.