In perhaps the least interesting news of the day, Colorado Times Recorder reporter Erik Maulbetsch took to the internet with breaking news. He wrote on a liberal blog that House Republican leader Patrick Neville might support removing a Democrat from the Governor’s mansion.
The most damning evidence comes from the fact that the independent expenditure committee associated with House Republicans and the Neville clan is helping to fundraise in support of Republican causes.
Maulbetsch seemingly finds it particularly hard to imagine that Patrick Neville would oppose bills and agendas that he vocally opposed and voted against in the legislature.
While we have nothing else to report on this “journalism,” please continue to follow Erik Maulbetsch’s intensive investigative reporting at the Colorado Times Recorder for future hard-hitting pieces such as, “The sun actually sets in the west,” and, “You might die if you stop breathing.”
Thanks to the writer who sent us the article and link, we’ve got quite a few stories poking fun at bad reporting, but we don’t have a standard for those kinds of stories so moving forward we’re publishing them as opinion pieces.
And this is why people no longer trust your “jouranlism”. The peoples effort is not a joke or an opportunity for you to okay “Babylon bee”.you arent gold at it. And worse, you are not good at your actual job of just reporting the news.
#americasmom #recallpolis
The lying POS should have never been elected…