One person, one vote – unless they steal your vote

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UPDATE: The dangerous National Popular Vote bill has passed the legislature and will be signed by the Governor.

Have you ever felt like your vote doesn’t matter? Well, now your own vote can actually be counted against your interest. If you vote for the Republican nominee for President, how would you feel if your vote was forcibly changed to the Democrat? That’s what the Colorado Legislature wants to do.

Next week, the National Popular Vote will be on the floor of the Senate. We recently highlighted why this is a ludicrous idea.

This bill would almost certainly give California the ownership of Colorado’s presidential votes. If Colorado votes for the candidate that ultimately loses the popular vote, then Colorado’s nine electoral votes would be forfeited to the candidate who won the popular vote.

This would effectively silence Colorado voters. And imagine the potential implications in a close election. Votes would then be stolen to change the course of our country.

Your legislators want to take your vote away.

5 thoughts on “One person, one vote – unless they steal your vote

    1. You can’t vote on this. We already elected the people making this happen. You want change it? Write your representative and stop electing idiots

  1. I am thinking unconstitutional. What would happen if the people of Colorado brought their guns to Capitol Hill in Denver and persuaded the Legislature to change their minds on this? This is tyranny, plain and simple!

  2. We are not California so quit trying to ruin Colorado like you did there! We all have a vote and it should stay that way! Leave our constitution alone. We don’t follow Boulder so we want a vote for all Colorado not just what you like! We voted and Democrats lost so stop trying to steal our voices!

  3. We are not California so quit trying to ruin Colorado like you did there! We all have a vote and it should stay that way! Leave our constitution alone. We don’t follow Boulder so we want a vote for all Colorado not just what you like! We voted and Democrats lost so stop trying to steal our voices! Let us vote on it!

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