So it begins…The attack on Colorado’s once burgeoning oil and gas industry starts. Our Boulder Governor Jared Polis has named 5 of his 7 available appointees to the board that regulates oil and gas.
From Colorado Politics, (we’ll just cut and paste here) it’s clear there is a trend:
- Brenda Haun of Grover, Colorado, a representative of agricultural production or royalty. Haun, who is unaffiliated, is a veterinarian and with her family owns a cattle ranch in Weld County, according to the Polis announcement.
- John Messner of Gunnison, a representative of local government. Messner, a Gunnison County commissioner and a Democrat, testified in favor of SB 181 in March.
- Liane Jollon of Durango, representing public health. Jollon, who is unaffiliated, is director of San Juan Basin Public Health.
- Mark Hopkins of Broomfield, who will serve as a member with “technical expertise relevant to the issues considered by the commission.” Hopkins, a Republican, is a retired Chevron engineer.
- Pam Eaton of Boulder, the panel’s “wildlife protection” member. Eaton, a Democrat, founded Green West Strategies, which focuses on conservation and renewable energy, and is a former executive with the Wilderness Society. Her twitter feed contains numerous references to clean energy and anti-coal sentiments.

Well, there is maybe 1 person that may not have a left-leaning bias, and 2 wildcards – but we’re pessimistic that Polis would appoint anyone that would oppose his far-left agenda for the industry. However, the “optics” of appointing “unaffiliated” voters seems good.
Then there is the “Wildlife Protection” member…We believe this one speaks for itself.
An interesting insight is if you search the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) website, you can’t find the members of the Board. Hmmm…seems suspicious (or this writer is not willing to put more than 10 minutes in combing their website), and if someone does find it, put it in the comments below.
The first meeting of the new commission was yesterday (Tuesday, May 21, 2019), and these commissioners were just appointed last Friday. Let’s watch closely and see what evil they do…
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