Governor Jared Polis attempted to preemptively shift blame for the economic destruction of Colorado onto, you guessed it, President Donald Trump. What better person to blame than the mainstream media’s favorite political target?
Now, this is old news, but we would be remiss if we did not take the opportunity to call Polis the hypocrite that he is.
Polis recently went on the Denver Channel’s Politics Unplugged to say that President Trump’s proposed tariffs would harm Colorado’s economy. We don’t necessarily disagree, because tariffs are taxes and taxation is theft, but Trump’s tariff threat was successful. If you missed it, we recently wrote about the conundrum of Trump’s tariff threat here.
But, let’s be honest. After signing economically destructive legislation like the moratorium on oil and gas in Colorado, Polis is acting like a hypocrite. The attack on Colorado’s energy industry didn’t stop there. Polis appointed anti-energy activists to the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission and mandated zero-emission standards by executive order.
Between efforts to raise our taxes and regulate responsible and affordable energy production to death, Democrats have no room to talk.
If anyone should have a finger pointed at them when Colorado’s economy declines (or tanks), it is Governor Polis and his cronies in the legislature.
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Do us Coloradoins Pollis resign! You are so trying to murder our good fortunes! Leave office to those who haven’t bought the governorship! You can’t impose California bs on Colorado!
Do us Coloradoins Pollis resign! You are so trying to murder our good fortunes! Leave office to those who haven’t bought the governorship! You can’t impose California bs on Colorado!
Resign, we don’t want you in Colorado 😡
Recall! Recall! We are becoming Californicated! Does any true Colorado citizen believe that to be a good thing ; other than the loony pee drinking Republic of Boulder?
How is he going to replace mining and drilling revenue from this business and people they employ to find out schools ? He is an idiot! Recall a must!
Recall Polis! Now! If we wanted to be California people, we would have moved to California. Stop this madness before you totally ruin our beautiful state on Colorado!
He’s a politician, he doesn’t know Schiff about economics.
signing away OUR vote’s , is ILLEGAL , court battle headed your way, I’m praying for you to go to jail!
Polis is doing just the opposite of what he said he would not do.
He’s a lying jerk…
He will not succeed to destroy Colorado…
Push back at every opportunity… .Trump 2020
I left California in 2000 for what it has now turned into! It breaks my heart to see YOU bringing Colorado down this same path!
Californication at it’s best. Montana next. It’s a cancer.
If you all have not seen
“ROCKY MOUNTAIN HEIST” with Michelle Malikan a must see how Polis and his dark money cronies got him elected!
This policy reduces jobs, state income, taxes and increases gas cost!
Do we use less gas by this policy? NO!
I heard there is a petition to remove him from office? I will sign it!
I too like so many in Colorado moved here from HelL.A, California because it was miserable life for average working person!
Polis has killed jobs, has tried to throw away our votes destroy our 2nd adment and now wanted a blank chect to do what he wanted and itdid not pass now he is worried! Well stop spending Nd giving it away.
Republicans are unorganized and undisciplined in CO. We got just what we deserved -J. Polis and his advocacy for the destruction of all that is good in CO.