If you’ve been shadow-banned, throttled, thrown in Facebook or Twitter Jail, or had your social media posts magically disappear, this is a “NO DUH!” article.
Conservatives are victims of discriminatory practices by the tech barons. First, we have Project Veritas’ exposure of Google working to defeat President Trump and conservatives in 2020. This shocks no one, and a few of the posts have been deleted by their hosts (if you can’t see the truth, how will you know the truth?!). The bottom line from this is Google is not a friend of conservatives.
Sticking with Project Veritas, they also acquired an email from employees at Google essentially saying there are capabilities to limit conservative content. Then there is the use of the other “N” word – “Nazis.” Clearly, these idiots have overlooked the fact that Dennis Prager, founder of PragerU is Jewish and fairly religious. But hey, according to the left if you are right of center or GOD FORBID, conservative – then you’re automatically a Nazi! Here’s the quote from the email:
– The Daily Wire
Yeah, that quote had us scratching our heads while our blood started to boil. We’re setting search engines on all our browsers to DuckDuckGo!
Not to be outdone, we also have the “fact” checking site Snopes, where everyone out there goes to see if something is true. How many times have you been on Facebook or Twitter, and someone questioning you cites Snopes? They immediately think they’ve won the argument and your facts are wrong. But wait a minute, Snopes is biased towards the left?! Here are some quotes from the article:
Snopes’ main political fact-checker is a writer named Kim Lacapria… She described herself as “openly left-leaning” and a liberal. She trashed the Tea Party as “teahadists.” She called Bill Clinton “one of our greatest” presidents. She claimed that conservatives only criticized Lena Dunham’s comparison of voting to sex because they “fear female agency.” … Similarly, Lacapria — in another “fact check” article — argued Hillary Clinton hadn’t included Benghazi at all in her infamous “we didn’t lose a single person in Libya” gaffe. Lacapria claimed Clinton only meant to refer to the 2011 invasion of Libya (but not the 2012 Benghazi attack) but offered little fact-based evidence to support her claim.
– The Daily Caller
After reading that quote and the article, you get the idea. Snopes may be just another site that somehow built credibility and is just a tool of the left.
Why go to Snopes when you can just ask us here at Colorado Citizens Press (and check our linked sources)? We’re happy to oblige! We’re credible, we even got throttled for our conservative views and of course, we wrote about it here…
The power brokers can try to ban us, but we will keep writing and fighting for freedom.
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