Boring, boring, and no duh! We’ll try to put a fun Colorado Citizen Press spin on it. Former Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper’s epic fail of a Presidential Campaign is over, NOW HE WILL BE COLORADO’S PROBLEM AGAIN!
Everybody and their mother on the Dem side have been encouraging Hick to return to Colorado to run against vulnerable incumbent Republican U.S. Senator Cory Gardner. We wrote about his senior staff jumping ship from his campaign while telling him to do just that.
In the last few days, a former Obama staffer suggested Hick run for Senate as well.
Last week The Onion again lampooned Hick, by saying they weren’t going to write any more articles about Hickenlooper. Instead, they were just putting up a “Deathwatch” for his campaign page, that they would update when it happened. Yes, the link shows it updated!
We also wrote about The Onion making fun of Hick – and why not, he is a joke of a politician.
To add insult to injury, in a new poll by HarrisX shows Hick below Marianne Williamson in polling. Williamson is the lady who wants you to love magic stones and crystals to fix this country. Come on – if you can’t beat this person in the polls, you should probably drop out.
This should not surprise the people of Colorado. Hick was just plain lucky to be elected Governor of Colorado. Between the Dan Maes debacle of 2010, and Bob Beauprez running his second inept campaign in a decade in 2014, ANY Dem could have won.
But on the national stage again, as he was when he allegedly was on Hillary’s short-list for VP, Hick flailed because he just isn’t a good speaker. He doesn’t live up to his successful Governor reputation that he built with Democrats nationally, and low information unaffiliated voters in Colorado.
You may remember we wrote about his fundraising ineptitude as well. AOC beat him in fundraising last quarter. AOC is in a safe New York City Dem district and is a mere socialist congresswoman. We also wrote about how we knew his campaign was over after the last debate.
So now Hick is coming back to Colorado. As we reported last month, his consultants had already purchased the domain name for his U.S. Senate run. Hick again will be Colorado’s problem, and he heavily tipped us off in this video on his “serious consideration” of running for U.S. Senate.
You may remember Hick being booed in San Francisco by Democrats because he said socialism doesn’t work. The problem is he created a lot of socialist policies while he was Governor, including moving Colorado closer to single-payer healthcare with the largest Medicaid expansion ever and working with turn-coat Republicans to opt Colorado into Obamacare.
So has he lost his “moderate” reputation here in Colorado? We think so, because Hick, although making claims that socialism doesn’t work, let his socialist leanings out of the bag. There is plenty of video and audio evidence that he’s pretty aligned with Bernie and AOC.
Oh, and as this headline indicates (ironically with the Draft Hick ads being paid for by a Dark Money group), Hick didn’t do so hot when it came to government schools. Plus, the headline is misleading, there was NO good news in the article.

Will Hick beat Republican Senator Cory Gardner? We’re feeling optimistic, so we give it a 50/50 chance that Cory will hold the seat. We just hope that Hick’s star has fallen far enough, that he loses, disappears, and stops hurting Colorado.
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