This is what happens when the government takes complete control over your lives and your community. Government bureaucrats pretty much micromanage Native American’s lives, and the result has been a lot of poverty and no chance for economic prosperity.
We thought this guest commentary in Forbes was a worthy read and a worthy warning to those that prefer government control to individual liberties and freedom. The government didn’t trust this classification of individuals to manage themselves, so they took over.
Now apply this to concept to things like guns or school choice. The government doesn’t trust you with your firearms, how could you be responsible for handling those inanimate objects?!?! Why should we trust parents knowing what’s best for their children and giving them a choice vs. the one-size-fits-all of our public school system? How dare you want to spend YOUR tax dollars on the school of your choice!?!! You can’t be trusted!
If you have been reading our articles, we like to verbally punch government control in the face while promoting individual liberty. As we see with this example in the article with Native Americans, we know we DON’T want the government deciding all of our affairs for us.
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