Denver, CO – With no limit to his executive powers, Governor Jared Polis extended his disaster order declaring a state of disaster emergency to September 4, 2020.
An extension of this order does allow the state to continue funding the COVID-19 response. The order makes $288 million available to different government departments to respond to COVID-19.
However, the extension of this order once again proves that Polis can extend his emergency powers indefinitely.
There is no requirement in Colorado for legislative oversight of Polis’ executive orders.
This is a major problem.
Yes, Polis is an elected official. The problem is, he is just one politician with nobody holding him responsible or vetting his orders.
Polis continues to issue executive orders that carry the rule of law.
Polis’ statewide (and likely unconstitutional) mask mandate is one example. Another example is Polis’ order limiting alcohol sales after 10:00 P.M. His so-called “Safer at Home” (business-killing shutdown order) is a third example, and we can easily list more.
Polis can issue and extend arbitrary executive orders at his discretion with no oversight. We live in a constitutional republic, yet Polis is treating his office like a dictatorship.
When the legislature resumes in January of 2021, this needs to be addressed by lawmakers.
A single person should never have this much power over a state. Yet, here we are living in the People’s Republic of Colorado under our glorious ruler Jared Polis.
Read Executive Order D 2020-152.
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I am disgusted with ‘King’ Polis and making plans to leave the CO Communist Police State to relocate to a free state.
You aren’t the only one!! I’m fed up to about 6 feet above my head.
Same here I’m closing on house in a state that is fully open at the end of the month. I can’t wait to leave this state!
Unless there is a change in November to the balance of the state legislature, I do not see the Democrats who control it doing anything to reign in the imagined king governor. I do see another recall possible though, and this time with much more chance of success.
Executive orders are not law. They are administrative directives on how to enforce the law and therefore have no way to enforce them. Compliance with an executive order is not required. Fuehrer Polis is operating outside his constitutional authority. Only the legislature can make law.
Colorado is not in a state of emergency! King Polis is just trying to scam the Federal Gov’t. (taxpayers) out of money!
Interesting so many mention leaving the state.
Just last week, my family also made the decision to leave for a state where freedom is still “allowed”
I grew up in Colorado, it is home, but apparently not my home anymore.