As we reported last week, and it seems to be a theme as of late, another elected democrat ignores harassment. Now the situation has elevated for Democrat Denver District Attorney Beth McCann.
The hypocrisy isn’t lost on us. We reported yesterday when the Democrats appointed a former elected official, that was severely disciplined for harassment in the workplace, to the State Ethics Commission. Yeah, that ethics commission that adjudicates these harassment claims. Seriously, a fox watching the hen house, and a great example of the hypocrisy.
Now, if we can – let’s get back to McCann. You may remember that McCann decided to keep her #2 in command on even after he threatened employees with a baseball bat. After public pressure, she forced him to resign. That’s what it takes to do the right thing for these Democrats.
Well, she had let another sexual harasser in the office off the hook, one of her Chief Deputies, Michael Song. Song was forced to resign. Again, McCann had to be pressured to take action. It’s also “interesting” that these people are lawyers – know the law, and behave as professionals, please!
So, it turns out the whistle-blower in all of this was another Chief Deputy, Adrienne Greene.
So, we have a member of the State Ethics Commission, a Democrat, who was severely disciplined after being accused a sexual-harasser. We also have the District Attorney’s office, teeming with workplace harassment problems.
The question is, how can you count on the government to right wrongs when they can’t be trusted? The answer is to never rely on the government to solve your problems.
Let’s hope these examples don’t have a chilling effect on people with legitimate claims of harassment coming forward. Public officials should lead by example. Clearly, the Democrats didn’t get the memo.
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