Denver, CO – Your cell phone bill may be going up by up to $200 per-use. Now that we have your attention let us explain.
Democrats are again trying to ban cellphone use in cars. There is an exception for “hands-free” use and first responders, but this creates more of a conundrum. Why do we make laws that favor or exempt one class of citizens over another? Just because you’re law enforcement, doesn’t mean you are a better or worse driver than the average citizen. All laws should apply equally to everyone.
It’s the same argument against private gun ownership. It’s okay for police to have them but not okay for citizens. Citizens should have all rights and privileges as people who work for us, the government.
But back to the bill, Senate Bill 20-065. If you’re caught using your cell in your car, the first fine will be $50. Your second offense, $100, and every one after that will be $200. Some of use could rack up quite a cellphone bill quickly.
Distracted driving may be a problem, but forced behavior by the government on its citizens is a problem as well. You can choose not to use your cell in your car, without the government outlawing it.
But these politicians know what’s better for us, and think we are all too stupid to figure things out for ourselves. Just say no to this sort of elitism.
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