Denver, CO – A “Sanctuary City” is a city where law enforcement decides to turn a blind eye to immigration status during an arrest and conviction. Generally, and rightfully so, law enforcement informs Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) of a person’s immigration status to allow that federal agency to possibly deport someone based on their status or violation of the terms of their temporary status in the United States.
Essentially, these people are in the U.S. illegally, or have done something illegal – so they either shouldn’t be here in the U.S. or should be deported. Why would we want to have lawbreakers that don’t belong here?
Well, Denver doesn’t report immigration status to ICE. They, in turn, seek to protect these people who are here illegally and who should be deported at the very least. Also, if these people need to serve time, they can serve it on the Fed’s dime at an ICE detention facility instead of on local taxpayer’s money. By not reporting the immigration status of these criminals to ICE, this makes Denver a “Sanctuary City” for these lawbreakers. Clearly, this is a bad thing.
Denver Mayor Michael Hancock seems to take pride in thumbing his nose at the law when it comes to illegal aliens. So, it should come at no surprise that he is joining with a whole bunch of liberal mayors to oppose some rule and fee changes regarding immigration and enforcement.
Here are the proposed changes by President Trump’s Administration:
The proposed regulation would increase the U.S. citizenship application fee by 83%, raising the cost from $640 to $1,170. The proposal would also up the cost of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) renewals from $495 to $765, as well as add a $50 fee for some asylum applications…The regulation, if approved, would take more than $110 million of what the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) collects from application fees and put into the budget of Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
Alayna Alvarez, Colorado Politics, Dec 18, 2019
Increased fees make sense, it should be a privilege to be a U.S. citizen, and this adds value. It also allows people who are going through the right and proper citizenship process to help fund the government’s mission of going after the lawbreakers who don’t follow the process. Have you ever asked someone who has followed the legal process about someone who didn’t? Well, you should – usually, they are VERY against illegal immigration and value their citizenship.
For your educational purposes, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) are children who were brought here illegally by their parents. Again, these people are here illegally, and why shouldn’t they contribute more after they’ve received thousands of dollars in benefits like a free education?
Denver Mayor Michael Hancock is just plain wrong on this issue. But if you read our news website, you know that ALL the elected officials in Denver are just plain wrong and have effectively destroyed a once great place to live.
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Michael Hand…. does not care, federal funds to any sanctuary city or state should be with held until they are in compliant with federals laws, which immigration laws are. I think any elected official who does not uphold their oath of office to uphold our Constitution, our Bill of Rights as they swore to do so especially in regard to federal, state laws need to be brought to task, censured. Those who are elected who thumb their noses at any federal laws need to be arrested, cuffed, arraign, convicted, this has gone on for too long, time to stop this, and hold them accountable. As for the cost of education of illegals , now the cost per child is approx. $10k-$18k per, so an average of from the start to now let us use $13k x 12+ k would equal $169,000, plus all of the other subsidies, welfare, med. housing, free any thing, so by the time they are 18 yrs old it could be that us tax payers, those of us that actually pay taxes, have spent $300,000 or more per kid, think about that, money better spent on our kids
oppose democrat rule every where. not good having indigents urinating and defecating in public places. Need leaders who follow the immigration laws to keep citizens safe, NOT put everyone in harm’s way! Not physically or from disease and filth. What a bonus!
Down hill at warp speed for Colorado and Denver. Happy New Year!
The sanctuary city rule was never put up for vote by the citizens! It is illegal and again the American law, therefore, all government money should be withheld until the laws are enforced.