Denver, CO – Mayor Michael Hancock proposed an increase to the Denver Immigrant & Refugee Affairs Legal Fund despite a budget shortfall expected in 2021.
The fund is used to provide legal defense to both legal and undocumented immigrants.
While the fund does accept private donations, it is heavily funded by taxpayers in Denver.
The fund received $250,000 in 2020. Hancock’s 2021 budget proposal increases the funding to $300,000. For fiscal years 2018 and 2019, the fund received $385,000.
Denver is facing a $190 million budget deficit due to both Hancock’s and Governor Jared Polis sweeping economic shutdowns.
Considering the shutdowns put tens of thousands of citizens out of work in Denver and caused a massive budget shortfall, this fund does not seem like a major priority.
The fact that Hancock is willing to prioritize undocumented immigrants over the citizens his shutdown policies hurt tells you everything.
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Why is Hancock doing that. There are places all over the Western Slope that help Illegals out. I thought their main idea was to help make them a Citizen. The Garfield County ESL works on getting them to Learn English and to help them pass a Citizenship Test. These People are on Welfare for their kids. They pay no Taxes as they work for Cash. What Hancock is doing is Illegal as hell. Why should the Taxpayers in Denver fork over money for Illegals when there is a huge budget short full for the entire State because Polis shut us down. Sounds to me like we need to oust Both Polis and Hancock
Their main idea is to make illegals democrat voters and foot soldiers of the democrat aka communist party USA.
yep, sadly it won’t happen the liberal left here is as dumb as the clowns on the west coast. Expect the same results as we are now beginning to see.
Money used to fund both legal and undocumented workers. That sounds so much better to the liberal ears than calling them what they really are: illegal aliens !
American citizens have been sold out by BOTH political parties on the immigration issue both legal and illegal.
Far to many of our elected officials were more than willing to sell their soul and their country for money, power and votes. WE re-elect most of them , votes have consequences as Colorado is seeing now.
aiding and abetting illegal activity, especially those entered this country, without permission, is called an invasion by law, ( an by the Constitution demands force to repel, today is Constitution Day)those that support this with money are also guilty of the crime, as an accessary. Stop pussy footing around our immigration laws, enforce those existing laws for a change, the governments , all city state, fed., have been too lax in enforcing out laws, to the point no one understands what laws have been broken. The real tax payers in denver should be up in arms, instead of doing the polis. Tax dollars spent on illegal activity, is ILLEGAL, some concerned citizen needs to file a law suit. We spend over $60,000,000,000 per year on illegals, yes $60 billion dollars that should be spent on vets., the elderly, the real poor, homeless, infrastructure, not on those who break our Sovereign laws, what is wrong with sheepeople that let that happen, stop doing the polis, stop being taken advantage by hand….., and nero, aka polis, stop being made fools of
agreed David.
Readers may be interested in purchasing the new book UNMASKED2020: Colorado’s Radical Left Turn and a Warning to America, written by former state senator Kevin Lundberg. It is available for sale on Amazon (paperback or digital copy). Coloradans will win at getting their state back if they understand how the left took it over in the first place. We have to fight for Coloradans, not illegal aliens sitting in illegal sanctuary cities like Denver. Mayor Hancock needs to put that money into fixing up the state capitol building after the antifa and BLM rioters destroyed it.
I’m fed up with these insane spending sprees on illegals, protecting them and treating them like royalty. Illegal Immigrant criminals will not be deported because ‘King’ Polis declared the state a ‘sanctuary’ state. I’m getting out of this lawless, communist police state.
More leftist stupidity , what else did you expect? This guy passes a curfew that wasn’t enforced allowing more damage to the state capitol. Blathers about how we’re a sanctuary city , enjoy folks the best is yet to come from this troll. Co. is going the way of commiefornia. The same shit going on there will happen here with the same results. Tired of it. and so’s my wallet.
I am tired of Hancock and Polis spending our tax money like drunken sailors for people not even legal, yet trying to hike taxes ever year. Meanwhile won’t let go of restrictions on business. Bring liberty back to Colorado.