Confession time: we got this off a Twitter post from former State Rep. & Dan Schaefer/Tom Tancredo staffer Matt Knoedler. Side note: Matt is also into road bike racing, long walks on the beach, and trying to pull the levers of power behind Republican donors and policy.
We have to admit, although Colorado is home – some of these states look mighty appealing! You may notice that Colorado is surrounded by states doing good things (ugh!!!):

Then there are the crazy leftist states. Yeah, notice that giant mountain region rectangle/trapezoid we call home in this one:

Yep, our stomachs are turning as well.
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Remember to check back with the Colorado Citizen Press, and we’re always looking for good stories to write about. Please use our “Citizen Tip Line” early and often. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter (@COCitizenPress)!
Very sad the social and political direction of Colorado
You are exactly right, I used to be proud of being from Colorado but now I’m just embarrassed!
I’m in the same boat. I used to be a diehard PROUD NATIVE. Now, I’m beyond embarrassed.
Please consider Pennsylvania. We’re kind of purple, but so far our legislature is all Republican. We could use a few more red staters.
Moved to Colorado’s Western Slope in July 2017. Already looking at other states more “red” to move to. Colorado is going blue so fast it’ll make your head spin. Thanks to the liberal Front Range politicians who run the entire state. Utah looking mighty good about now.
I love my home state Colorado, but I totally agree, it’s just really sad to see the direction that it’s going these days.
I love my home state Colorado, but I totally agree, it’s just really sad to see the direction that it’s going these days.
See ya, we’re out of here soon…
Moved here because of the freeedom I USED to have.
I will be leaving Colorado once my finances are in place. What an embarrassment!!!
Please note: Refugees from Colorado entering Wyoming must meet the following requirements before admission: Each adult must own and demonstrate proficiency with no fewer than two firearms at least one of which shall be a sidearm. Each family unit must own at least one four wheel drive truck. All wheel drive SUV’s or cars are not an acceptable substitute. No family which owns or has ever owned a Prius, Leaf, or Smart Car shall be admitted. No person shall be admitted who has had on their car campaign stickers or yard sign for Hillary, Obama, Bernie, Polis, Hickenlooper, or Bennet shall be admitted. All applicants over age 12 years shall successfully complete a test on the U.S. Constitution including the Bill of Rights and must demonstrate a working understanding of the Federalist Papers.
We here in Wyoming are real strict on these rules. Kevin covered most of them. Most of us have at least 5 weapons and know how to use them. Our low crime rate is due to armed citizens who shoot back , even the genetically challenged perps from other states know Wyoming folks live by the American Code: ” I won’t be wronged. I won’t be insulted. I won’t be laid a hand on. I don’t do these things to other people and I require the same from them.”
( J.B. Books) The Shootist, 1976 Throw in the fact many of our Judges own a tall horse and a short rope. If this sounds good to you come on in, the coffee’s on.
Tony and Floyd, I am of the same mind as you all. Being a sanctuary state is bad, but getting rid of the electoral college, and advertising with “welcome to Colorado” signs is you can get a safe legal abortion here is disgusting and appalling.
They ruined my home state and city of Los Angeles California. Now they are ruining the state of Colorado. Back in the 60’s I lived in Alamosa and I loved this state and southern Colorado so much I wanted to retire there. Well, now about 50 years later my daughter has a good job and we live close so everything should be great. But no, we have communism taking over and destroying everything of value. I lived in a very dangerous and shabby apartment that I could afford, but the mold made me move to a senior apartment complex. If you don’t pay $2000 a month for rent, you are in danger of ending up in the hospital or worse. Homelessness, no attention to the needs of the city or the people living in them and I am talking about Denver and environs. It is a disgusting mess. So disappointed.
Hopefully we can turn Colorado around.
Very interesting. I leave a comment that rebukes your tirade about Colorado and it’s not here. You whiny people claim to love free speech but when someone questions and challenges your articles you delete their comments. That sounds like censorship and the opposite of the 1st Amendment. You and your website are trash and all it does is stoke the flames of division in this country. Again, I am Republican but cannot and will not stand for the crap that is happening right now.