Denver, CO – Masks are mandated by governments all over Colorado. This includes counties and municipalities across the state.
The communities requiring face masks are listed below, according to FOX31.
- Aspen
- Boulder
- Boulder County
- Denver
- Denver International Airport
- Fort Collins
- Glenwood Springs
- Larimer County
- Lone Tree
- Routt County
- Summit County
- Wheat Ridge
Denver’s mandate is one of the most strict, requiring a face mask in most public places. It is in place indefinitely.
Denver’s order comes with a civil penalty of up to $999.00 per violation.
Will people comply?
A recent poll of our readers found that 96.7 percent of readers are opposed to these mask mandates.
This suggests that a large portion of the population has no intention of complying with overreaching mask mandates.
Other risks
While masks might help protect others, they also put the wearer at risk.
Repeated adjustment of the mask causes unnecessary contact with the wearer’s face. Contact with the ears, mouth, and nose are a common way for coronaviruses to spread.
Due to this factor, people are still at risk every time they go to the grocery store, touch something, and then touch their mask.
The negative impact on society is another important factor to consider.
It is difficult to trust someone who is covering their face. Masks, whatever the printed pattern, are intimidating.
On top of that, crimes such as thefts and vehicle break-ins are on the rise. It will be difficult for business owners to identify shoplifters due to mask mandates.
Mask mandates give criminals an excuse to hide their identities.
These mandates have little promise to stop the spread of COVID-19, and they create other problems. Still, that has not stopped mask mandates from governments all over Colorado.
But it is all for the greater good, right?
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There are some of us who CANNOT wear a mask for various legitimate reasons. This essentially discriminates against us. I can’t go up to Lone Tree to Cabela’s or other places to research things I need for a hiking trek. It’s not only hurting those of us who are not able to wear them, but the municipalities etc are also reducing their income by doing this.
It’s also extreme gross overreach in forcing us to comply with something that’s controversial at best. Not only do people touch their faces more, but in restricting air flow, you lower your blood oxygen and set yourself up for illness given that viruses and bacteria thrive more in a lower oxygen environment.
This is one person who would refuse to wear one even if she could. Pure power-hunger from the weasels we give “control” over our lives.
The website highimpactflix.com has a flyer you can download for free that provides a legal justification for exemption from masks for people who for medical reasons cannot wear them. It also says hippa laws allow you not to be forced to name your medical condition. Scroll down to just below the tshirts. You should check it out!
Thank you for the website tip Leslie, much appreciated.
I agree with Kayley. These are gross over reach and to assess such stiff penalties for people choosing to exercise their right and not wear them for reasons of their own is tyrany and I will wear one to get a hair cut or go into a business that requires them, for the sake of the business, but I will not wear one on a walk or a hike or in my car or anywhere else outside for that matter. It is unjust and I will not be a part of turning this country into a 3rd world state that destroys our constitutional rights to choose and be free. Many medical personnel – including the General on the Covid task force, has said it is not good for children and healthy people should not wear them. Only the sick.
Another censored high level microbiologist video. She claims to have worked with the white house advisors whom persecuted her for wanting honest disclosure.
The one before. Bakersfield practicing microbiologists; “Take off the mask.”
With reposting, reposting again, take down after take down, and millions of hits on the big initial posts, across an increasing volume of platforms, it’s impossible to know for sure how many people watched these. It’s quite likely each one may have 50 million or more views in their first week alone, despite the censorship. Censorship by unelected tech companies is so rad! “This is why they wanted us off air by now.” FDA cut the IW product line down substantially, despite the worthiness and safety of their products. Won’t be long now. They came for my neighbor, and I said nothing…
Mandating masks is ridiculous. Masks do not keep viruses out. In fact, The Surgeon General admitted this back in Feb, 2020.
Masks reduce the amount of oxygen you breath in, increasing stress to your system ,and weakening your immune system.
You need to breathe in viruses on a daily basis to keep your immune system strong . Wearing masks and keeping us isolated weakens our immune system. It defeats the whole purpose. When the lockdowns are lifted, people who have been isolated and wearing masks are more likely to get sick. This will lead to govt issuing the lockdown again. It will be a vicious cycle until the mandated ‘Frankenstein’ vaccine comes out in 2021-22.
CO has become a Communist police state, CA 2.0
This whole ‘chananogram’ is ridiculous and govt overreach. And of course, the liberal ‘sheeple’ will not question any of this. ‘We must sacrifice for the great good’.
No to gates vaccine! you need to research more before you wnat a vaccine!
Barak Obama once said “elections have consequences”. It may be the only time he ever made a truthful statement
I agree with Carolyn, few media outlets have ever shown the interviews with the Surgeon General, the ones I saw were on at the early AM hours, while flipping through the channels, 1-2x per week Dr. Oz was interviewing the Surgeon General, and every time what was being said, talked about was not what the media, local governments, and other talking heads was spewing, scaring people. The Surgeon General was straight forward, honest, and what he was saying made sense about what we must do, and not do, in regard to wearing mask, this virus from china, which in most cases masks they were not necessary and would be causing other problems for people. He has a best interest in what is happening because his wife is in chemo. I did see a rebroadcast of 1 of his interview, and it was edited to change what was actually said,shame on the media. The question is who to believe, a person with real knowledge or a person who is clueless and spewing what he is being told to say. I am surprised that few people are challenging what the local governments, media are saying, and by what actual authority do they make any law, unfounded rules with out the consent of “We the people?
Well sorry to break it to you Mr Everett, but you’re part of the problem not the solution.
This continues as long as people continue to tune in. If you know it’s fake news, but continue to watch, you are perpetuating the problem.
Nobody is immune to summary thought reconditioning as long as their television is glued to syndicated news channels.
I refuse to obey the hypocritical edicts on the spread of infectious diseases from Gauleiters such as Her Polis.
Einharjar, you just said, even if you are not aware you said such a thing yet, that you no longer need to see the dentist, or have access to hospitals and medical services. And neither does anyone in your family or friend set whom may agree with you.
They all require masks and since this is propagated by the government from the top, there will be nobody available to stand up for your rights. You’ll probably need a mask to even see a lawyer, so good luck getting any representation.
Just wait until it’s time to renew your drivers license and you must go inside the DMV to get it. You will submit to temperature taking, privacy violating questions, wearing masks, and may even need to prove you’ve been vaccinated with the quantum tattoo or you will not be able to renew. See where this is going yet?
So if you are actually fighting back, it’s important to schedule for these services then suffer the denial of service, and start the ball rolling. You should go to costco with everyone you know and hold the line up. This is theft of payment for service and taxation without representation.
I’ve written letters to every single company or outlet which has either granted me service or denied me service over this bandito mask requirement. Have you?
They can take their mandate and shove it where the son does not shine, this is Communistic Nazification of the State of Colorado, and every place that requires it has a ignorant DA Mayor and Council.
I have yet to wear a mask in ElPaso County.
Breathing your expelled air causes PVCs–that’s Premature Ventricular Contractions–a heart malfunction. The lies surrounding modeling that has proven so wrong, the association of “no fly, no die” doctors like Fauchi with “Vaccine (containing bots) card” Bill Gates who with Soros owns European patents for the coronavirus, and the fact that the democrat House has done nothing since Trump was elected except try to overturn a legitimate election all add up to HOAX, HOAX, HOAX. Yes, the virus is terrible, as it was likely developed as a Chicom weapon. So TEST and isolate the infected. Isolation of healthy people is tyranny. We have an “all-weather” Constitution, and this gross interruption of the pursuit of happiness is WRONG in so many ways.
This is about the federal reserve charging the losses of their partner bankers back to the money supply. The bio engineered virus is placed alongside the default to make sure the financial crimes go unrecognized.
How do these little dictators continue to get away with this? IF I drive through Colorado in the near future, I will not wear a fear mask because I’m not one of their cattle. Let their goons write me up – they’ll never collect.
Wake up people. It’s over. As George Carlin said, you have no rights – only privileges – and the Government can take them away any time it wants. That’s why I got out. Things will never be better – they are only going to get worse.
Our family was just denied medical services for not wearing masks: surgery, physical therapy, children and adult dentist, optometrists. I just lost the ability to work in all the above counties, due to state sanctioned discrimination against my person for not ‘wearing masks’.
It’s not the color of your skin or your political ideology that creates this discrimination, it’s whether you agree with the concept of private medical decision making autonomy.
If you believe in the concept of my body my choice, and refuse to wear a mask, you are hereby denied vital medical care and other important services throughout the state of Colorado. Except of course abortions, you can still get those if you don’t want to wear a mask. All other medical services; Denied. Wear the mask or be discriminated against.
They are going to try and throw me in jail when I refuse to take the shot. You can not make me take the shot and you can not make me take the mask. I expect to lose everything because tyranny is here. Be careful though, when people get treated like criminals, it should be no surprise they start behaving like criminals when there is nothing left to lose. Apparently I’m no longer a good honest family man. Now I’m a criminal, denied right to services, denied free travel, denied basic human rights to be in control of my own body. Please put some militarized road blocks and guards up around these mask mandated areas so I can be sure I don’t end up there accidentally.
I am not going into any of these mask mandated cites and counties in Colorado. This is medical tyranny.
Never by mandate.
Scroll down to see what’s happening in Colorado with mandated vaccinations.
This makes sense. You will be a criminal for not doing it. Or if the other side wins, you will not be a criminal.
That’s what this is coming down to.
We also just joined the Childrens Health Defense group with RFK Jr.
If you believe in never by mandate, you should join and participate in these groups. They are some of the only groups brave enough to stand up to big pharma complex and argue in favor of medical decision making autonomy.
Everyone thought mandating medical procedures on kids for school safety was no big deal right? Now that you failed to protect my family from discrimination when we said no, it’s your turn. Say hello to your new mandated vaccination schedule, complete with needles, masks, gloves, contact tracing, and btw, you no longer have medical history privacy either.