Denver, CO – Many restaurants will permanently close if they are not allowed to open soon, according to a Colorado Restaurant Association survey.
A recent article from Colorado Public Radio states:
“Almost a quarter of restaurant owners say they would have to close permanently within a month of reopening if dining rooms are capped at 25 percent capacity…”
From Colorado Public Radio
This April survey from the Colorado Restaurant Association states that 12 percent of restaurants anticipate closing permanently by mid-May. By the end of May, 22 percent anticipate closing permanently.
Governor Jared Polis is taking little to no action to help these restaurants.
There is no date set for when restaurants can open for dine-in service. On top of that, Polis does not plan to allow these restaurants to open without oppressive restrictions.
A decision is supposed to be made by May 25, 2020, on how restaurants can reopen for dine-in service. By then, it might be too late.
Colorado’s restaurant industry is on the verge of collapse. A staggering 91 percent of restaurants say they laid off or furloughed employees.
Polis’ draconian orders are destroying the restaurant industry. Given his latest actions, he appears happy to watch it and the economy burn.
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Recall. Again. Enough is enough. We are currently researching for states we can move to that do not support tyranny and government over reach.
We lost all medical, all dental, and costco, because we don’t want to wear masks. Looks like we will lose public school if we refuse to train our children to live in fear and wear masks themselves. Sick people can stay at home, their fears do not extend to my liberty. Their immune deficiency because of their junk food diets and other life choices which may have resulted in that does not mean I have to sacrifice my liberty as a result. Cowards rule the day but it won’t be this way forever.
My speech does not stop because you are offended. Pollis, worst Colorado governor in history. Has there ever been anyone worse? A historical comparison of the constitutional violations of Pollis vs the worst recognized governor previously would be an interesting news piece.
Who knew hypochondria was such a thing. Hypochondria is a recognized mental disorder. All too many people in Colorado now have a very bad case of it. Somewhere out there is an old medical pamphlet on hypochondria, and I encourage you to find it and spread it around. “You have an immune system. Your immune system is always active, even if you are unaware of it. You do not need to live in fear of germs. You do not need to wash your hands every two minutes. It is o.k. to touch things, and touch other people. It’s o.k. to associate and be in close proximity to other people. You will be o.k. Your own immune system will keep you safe and is actually doing so right now.”
Brand new protected social class; Hypochondriacs. How many special social class identifications are we going to need?
Well said! I have been going out and supporting restaurants that have a spine and fully reopened! I here you on moving I’ve been trying to leave this state for a while (I was born here) and I’m finally of the process of getting out of this state (it can’t come fast enough) and I’ll tell you I’m going to be moving to a state that respects the constitution and has constitutional carry.
Might be a good thing if we lost public schools. Just sayin.
As a result, I will suffer a dramatic income reduction. That is daddy’s working hours. I took at least a $5,000 hit on income reduction as a private 1099 just because they called school early this year. And now next year, train my kids to live in fear or home school. I would appreciate articles detailing the state of public and other schools for this fall. They are already signaling as many wacky approaches that restaurants and stores are doing right now. We have 3 months to get this corrected and get people to stop living in fear, or these changes will become permanent. Hypochondria is just so trendy and everyone is virtue signaling, no I can be more careful, and we could also do this, and great idea, run with that. Central planners are in control now. Peasants Unite!
We have to get rid of Polis. That is our only resort. He doesn’t give a damn about Colorado. He could care less. If every body starts opening up with out his Blessings so what! He can’t eat us! What;s he going to do if the tries to shut everybody down all at one. Get in touch with your Sheriffs and get their advice now,. Don’t wait until you down the tubes. He doesn’t give a rats ass about any of us. He thinks as top dog he can make it stick. Show him he can’t, Go ahead and start opening up in Grand Junction and then it should work ok all the way up to Vail Pass. What’s he going to do put thousands in Jail. Hell he thinks that because he is Governor that we are going to listen to him. Hell no. We stopped Hickey in his tracks. Just stop paying your Taxes and see what the hell happens. We will all stop doing that. Ge a hold of Trump or Scott Tipton tell him that you can’t wait that long?
Tipton is the one that came up with the fact that Polis was giving Hickey money that is illegal as hell. He can’t eat us. Ok He can’t eat us. He can’t shut you down if there every body is in it together. So what is it going to be march on Polis and demand that he stop acting like a childish baby. or just open up and start letting customers in. If they don’t want in, then that’s fine too.
Attention all good people of Colorado who want our state back. John “Tig” Tiegen author and one of the four heroes of Benghazi has organized an OPEN COLORADO NOW rally and motorcycle ride for Sunday, May 17, 2020 from 12-2 PM. It is not just for motorcycles. More info on Facebook and at this link (in which Tig explains WHY he is organizing this event).
It’s fun, exhilarating. Rallies, unison, witnessing liberty in action.
It’s actually frightening as all hell, as frightening as war itself. Because it is a prelude to war. That in Colorado, we have already lost the good fight and now conservatives, business owners, parents, Christians, the proper respectable side of hard working society, are the ones resorting to being on corners with signs demanding change. Having been stripped of liberties and rights. We are the ones without clothes. If these organizers are not also passing recall signature lists around, they’re just spinning wheels. Stop with the show of force I say, press these people with recalls down to the very low level city people, and everyone pitch in for legal defense measures now. Whom else can we get behind today whom is pushing back in court? That page 2 website has some news on that, pollis apparently bypassed voting rights by executive order too. Genius. I bookmarked that site, looks like good local reads, thanks.
The Colorado Restaurant Association needs to tell ALL the restaurants to fully NOW they can’t and won’t get everyone (and not just restaurants ALL businesses need to open like normal and NOW)! In WI. the supreme court in that state struck down the lockdowns and bars/businesses opened up packed within 13min. of that decision!
Good point, Brian. The WI story is a great example of people standing up for their rights.
The true resistance is building………………I went to my barber shop here in Colorado that was finally “allowed” to open. I walked in and they were not wearing masks to which I said; “right on.” The two barbers, myself and another customer waiting had a dandy, expletive laced conversation about all the crap the state, our country and the world actually has allowed to happen. We are all on the same page and it felt great to be among brothers. Since they’ve been open they stated that had *one* person walk in and leave. Before that person left evidently he (an obvious lib) screamed that they were all going to die. I guess my barber just told him “Look, we choose to be unafraid, if you don’t want to come in here fine, don’t. But don’t trample my rights in pursuit of your moral indignation.”
I’m seeing this more and more……..people are growing extremely weary………………..OPEN NOW!~
Some guy at lowes on 104th & I-25 threatened to ‘cut me with a knife’ for not wearing a mask. He was a giant dude too, scared just about everyone in line. What started as a righteous proclamation I was putting peoples lives in danger, as he defended ‘public health’, quickly degraded to threats of harm and death for simply proclaiming the value of liberty over all else.
I joked with my neighbor, those alarmist sensationalist guys on the radio (you know who they are), they are always saying about how liberals do these things, start nice, then end with death threats. I said that’s just sensationalism to keep the listeners interested, that does not really happen. Then it happened to me. And then in line again, it happened again, except instead of a death threat the little fatty dude living in fear behind a mask took a photo of me and told me he was going to report me for not wearing a mask. Unbelievable. Meanwhile, the suburban Colorado natives are ready and willing to talk about how they’re being driven out and want nothing more to do with these places. It’s true what they say, liberal policies ruin cities.
Here, try out my favorite radio show in Colorado: