Denver, CO – Watch the Colorado State House Committee of the Whole debate repealing the death penalty in Colorado live at 4:00 P.M.
Democrats introduced SB20-100, Repeal The Death Penalty, early this legislative session in an attempt to pass the bill with less opposition.
The bill is sponsored by Julie Gonzales (D-Denver), Jack Tate (R-Arapahoe), Jeni James Arndt (D-Larimer), and Adrienne Benavidez (D-Adams).
Watch the floor debate below, courtesy of the Colorado Channel. The bill is on second reading. Update: A number of bills will be heard ahead of the expected death penalty repeal debate.
Update: The debate ran well into the morning, you can view the full footage after midnight below. We will cover some of the highlights, like Democrats claiming the death penalty is racist in future articles.
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they can do what ever they want they are unchecked, they have the votes to keep giving the middle finger to the real people of Colorado. When the death penalty is eliminated there will not be a deterrent to murder, even though we have not used the death penalty in decades, and the last person who was a governor commuted the sentence of dunlap, as a final flip off. So what will be a deterrent to killing some one , nothing, they may be go to prison and hang out with their friends get free every thing, at the tax payers expense, at approx $55,000-$90,000 per year per convict. Too many people today have no qualms about killing some one, knowing there will not be much in the way of consequences, weak judges, weak prosecutors, weak juries. To me murder 1 is death in 7 days, they get to choose the method, in years past it was sparky, injection, shot, or hanged , but the bleeding hearts have convinced the public it was inhuman to execute some one who murdered some one else, what, Old Testament , an eye for an eye, so hang then high, this will be deleted in 10 min or less, I used too many words that offend some people
I find it interesting that those who want to end the death penalty of a convicted murderer (someone who has taken life from another usually in a violent manner) are the same people who are generally in favor of abortion (the murder of an innocent child generally by disection). If we end the death penalty for a murderer why not for an innocent unborn (now N.Y. has okayed post born) child. If this is unacceptable how about we put convicted murderers to death in the same manner they do to innocent unborn children.