You may have heard of the proposed walkout by Wayfair employees because of an order they’re going to fill for illegal alien detention centers. Of course, these detention centers ordered more new beds and bedroom furniture.
Now some of you may think this is a waste of money, but let’s look at it from a different perspective. For the last few weeks, the left and their comrades in the press have been trumpeting the “squalor” conditions in these detention centers. AOC, the socialist congresswoman who is the gift that keeps on giving, has compared these to “Concentration Camps.”
So, these conditions are so bad (they’re not), and the government just bought a whole bunch of new beds (sounds like it’s going to be a little too cushy in these detention centers), and now the libs at Wayfair are protesting the government making the conditions better.
Sorry, you can’t have it both ways. If they were for improving the conditions, wouldn’t they embrace this order of beds by the feds?
Of course, no one in the MSM is calling anyone out for the hypocrisy. But do they ever do when it’s from the left?
Time to wake up America and smell the coffee!
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Let them walk.
Treat it as THEY QUIT, and start hiring.
Any re-hires would be at minimum wage and a 24 month probationary period where they can be fired for any reason, or NO REASON.
ALL seniority is GONE, any benefits, vacation, etc is FORFEIT.
Hire as many new people as are available, and request waivers for any illegals necessary to rebuild the work force.
It would send a message to the stupid people that PAYING ATTENTION is a necessary skill!