Denver, CO – 9News Next talking head Kyle Clark took a question for Gov. Polis out of context to attack the GOP in an apparent attempt to shame them into submission.
Clark has spiraled out of control over the past month in his attempts to skewer Republicans and defend Governor Jared Polis’ draconian “Stay at Home” order.
Here is one of many tweets Clark sent about Polis’ hypocritical tears.
Of course, as poor Polis teared up on television, he forgot to mention he invoked a comparison to Nazi Germany when attacking the Governor of Arizona in 2010.
Here is the kicker, Clark’s tweet about GOP House Minority Leader Patrick Neville is entirely out of context in relation to the question Polis was answering. In fact, the reporter who asked Polis the question even replied to Clark to tell him he took Polis’ response out of context!
Clark so far has failed to clarify that Neville’s comments were made in regards to an unelected board of bureaucrats that put three counties under draconian “Stay at Home” orders BEFORE Polis’ order.
Fair and contextual reporting is clearly not something that matters Clark.
On his show yesterday, he made it clear he does not think Republican legislators who oppose economically destructive mandates “have anything to contribute.”
Hypocrites defending hypocrites
Does Clark not see the hypocrisy in his own statements?
In the last month, he has done nothing but fear monger about COVID-19 while defending Polis and slandering conservative Republicans. Clark is using his media platform to trash President Donald Trump and the Colorado GOP while defending government tyranny.
Republicans have put up with being called Nazi’s for years now. It rarely gets reported by the MSM. But when Republicans draw similarities about “Stay at Home” orders and the police state Colorado has become to practices of Nazi Germany, it’s “ugly rhetoric.”
What kind of rhetoric is it when Jared Polis compares laws and elected officials to Nazi Germany? Kyle Clark certainly won’t be mentioning that on his program.
Over 231,000 Coloradans have filed for unemployment, and Clark will barely entertain the idea that there is a nuanced solution where Coloradans can keep their jobs.
Instead, the majority of what you hear from Clark (while he sits in his cozy basement collecting his paycheck) is to stay home because his media job is more important than your “non-essential” job or small business.
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We used to like Kyle, can’t watch him anymore.
Rick I thought this for quite a while. Kyle Clark gets on there and says: I may discuss things you like and things you don’t like. Well if Kyle Clark wants to be honest about something then he shouldn’t be on one side or the other. I feel the same way. I don’t watch him anymore. He has gone rogue on TV and its showing up more and more. There are too many people that are wanting Governor Polis to discuss this Virus and in an informative way. Polis gives all the negative things about how it has affected the Eastern Slope. But the Western Slope seems to be forgotten in the Governor’s eyes. He has been caught dipping his hands into some accounts in the State that are not his to give away. This fact was pointed out by Scott Tipton. This is a serious allegation and needs to be looked into. by a Judge. Governor Polis has been known to give out monies from the 9/11 fund to help Hickey pay for some of his problems in Court. Neither of them are victims of 9/11.
Polis is just like Hickenlooper was for 2 terms. They’re convinced the western slope has to be part of Utah as it’s way too conservative for their tastes. It’s been a long time since we’ve had a governor that acts like he gives a darn about the whole state.