Denver, CO – Kyle Clark is at it again, this time not even veiling his bias against the right, clearly insinuating that Republicans are dumb.
Senate Republicans and Democrats alike were furious yesterday about a bill read in full on the floor by multiple computers at 650 words per minute.
The move by Democratic leadership left Senators unable to understand the reading of the bill – a major affront to the State Constitution and the legislative process.
This is often used as a stall tactic, but with the amount of radical, life-changing legislation being forced through the legislature, Democrats need a timeout.
But the reading is not the main story.
In a recent tweet, biased news anchor Kyle Clark took a poke at Republican’s intelligence.
“If you were smart, you’d have Republican robots pouring through #coleg rules to find a new stalling tactic.”

The tweet comes amidst a high-profile dispute between Clark and State Senator Vicki Marble.
Clark spends more and more time these days defending himself against accusations of left-leaning bias.
The snarky “journalist” likes to flaunt his intelligence in the process. So, how does such a smart guy make such a blatant mistake?
Clark clearly holds higher aspirations, so being seen as biased can’t be good for his career.
Though this is just a tweet, it contradicts the persona Clark so carefully crafted. But, so does his rhetoric on 9News.
Nearly everything said by Clark can be quoted and appear unbiased, but it shows through in his tone, the content on his show, and the way he chooses to conduct himself in interviews.
These are all reasons many conservatives give for no longer watching 9News.
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Who cares what that butt pirate propagandist thinks. Agitprop kyle. MSM is not the news.
He will grow up some day
Kyle Clark is the Pee Wee Herman of Denver news [news, loosely so called].
Good thing I quit watching channel 9 more than 20 years ago. Still a Good decision!!!
There was a time when you seemed to have a relatively fair and neutral view on your reporting concerning state and local issues. Unfortunately, that has almost disappeared since the last election. Now we’re saddled with multimillionaire elitist governor, an unqualified incompetent ivory tower academic attorney general, a secretary of state who works for planned Parenthood and Jason Crow,who will never be ready for prime time.. All you put out now is the standard liberal party line. What a disappointment‼️ Just when this state could use someone speaking truth and integrity, you give us propaganda.
Kyle Clark supports B L M, Antifa and violence and hates law and order and truth!!! I will NOT watch 9 News and have stopped watching mainstream media pretty much all together. Will NOT watch propaganda!!!